antsinmypants's profile

Thumb of 2022-02-12/antsinmypants/f7b446

antsinmypants's badges:
Plant and/or Seed Trader Organic Gardener Herbs Cat Lover Dog Lover Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge)

Some info about antsinmypants:
  • Joined on July 14, 2019
  • Name: Thea
  • Location: Illinois (IL)
  • USDA Zone: 5b
  • Interests: Gardening, Indoor Growing, Laser Arts (Engraving, Cutting, Files), Painting, Crochet, Macramé, Graphic Design, many other Arts & Crafts.
  • Birthday: May 4
  • Thumbs-ups: 8,899 received, 51,897 given.
  • Items given special acorn tips: 93 received, 111 given.
  • Bookmarked pages: 88
  • antsinmypants's active areas of the database
  • Tomatoes (289 contributions.)
  • Morning Glories (39 contributions.)
  • Brassicas (37 contributions.)
  • Peppers (32 contributions.)
  • Beans (18 contributions.)
  • Sunflowers (13 contributions.)
  • Cucumbers (11 contributions.)
  • Rubus (11 contributions.)
  • antsinmypants's Plant List
    There are 3,527 plants in antsinmypants's plant list.
    *****: 38 plants
    ****: 18 plants
    ***: 16 plants
    **: 9 plants
    *: 4 plants
    Cutting: 19 plants
    Plant: 161 plants
    Seeds: 480 plants
    BC: 20 plants
    MIg: 18 plants
    Hybrid: 41 plants
    OP: 457 plants
    Collected or purchased 2024: 367 plants
    Collected or purchased 2023: 297 plants
    Collected or purchased 2022: 159 plants
    Collected or purchased 2021: 114 plants
    Collected or purchased 2020: 62 plants
    Annuals: 307 plants
    Biennials: 151 plants
    Perennials: 474 plants
    Tender Perennials: 667 plants
    Aquatic Plants: 1 plant
    Bromelaids: 3 plants
    Cactus: 14 plants
    Ferns: 3 plants
    Grasses: 14 plants
    Dye: 3 plants
    Edibles: 300 plants
    Fiber: 15 plants
    Medicinal: 122 plants
    Scent: 37 plants
    Seasoning: 27 plants
    Smoke: 23 plants
    Tea: 69 plants
    Flowers: 753 plants
    Native Wildflowers: 103 plants
    Fruits & Vegetables: 738 plants
    Tomatoes: 215 plants
    Peppers: 112 plants
    Beans: 56 plants
    Berries: 3 plants
    Brassicas: 61 plants
    Grains: 34 plants
    Greens: 89 plants
    Kale: 2 plants
    Cucurbits: 54 plants
    Cucumbers: 22 plants
    Melons: 24 plants
    Roots: 52 plants
    Summer Squash: 13 plants
    Winter Squash: 22 plants
    Gourds: 12 plants
    Herbs: 137 plants
    Okra: 11 plants
    Houseplants: 119 plants
    Succulents: 30 plants
    Tropicals: 67 plants
    Trees & Shrubs: 120 plants
    Vines: 82 plants
    Ipomoea: 88 plants
    Ipomoea Mystery Seeds: 2 plants
    Invasive: 5 plants
    Weeds: 24 plants
    Full Sun: 596 plants
    Part Sun: 46 plants
    Part Shade: 126 plants
    Full Shade: 26 plants
    Unsuccessful: 14 plants
    Scarify: 3 plants
    Stratify: 25 plants
    Needs Dark: 1 plant
    Needs Light: 19 plants
    Direct Sow: 63 plants
    Sow Indoors Under Lights: 294 plants
    Sow in Unheated Greenhouse: 28 plants
    Winter Sow: 133 plants
    Sow to Replenish: 7 plants
    Sown 2024: 5 plants
    Sown 2023: 190 plants
    Plants Successfully Growing: 349 plants

    antsinmypants's Photo Contest Submissions
    antsinmypants recommends
    American Horticultural Society Plant Propagation
    Passiflora Passionflowers of the World
    The American Horticultural Society A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants
    The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants
    Wild Flowers of the World