LysmachiaMoon's blog: Put one down, put another one down

Posted on Sep 17, 2020 5:21 PM

Brick work continues. It's very relaxing work. After I pull up a long stretch of brick path, there's a flurry of activity setting the strings along the edges, raking the soil level, laying down the weed barrier, shoveling in the gravel, raking that smooth. Then comes the Zen. Pick one up, put it down. Pick one up, put it down. Before you know it, you've got another yard of path bricked over. The project is coming along very nicely. It's by no means perfect, there's a little bit of a wavy up and down, but it's miles better than it was and as R says the whole garden is "eclectic" and a razor straight path would be too formal. This is a nice way of saying Half-Ahem is OK.

Yesterday was spent hauling in 18 5 gallon buckets of fill dirt from E's big pile. It made only a small dent in her pile, but it supplied me with more than enough dirt to fill the low spots in the path, so far. I also brought in a fairly good amount of gravel for the path as well. It was a lot of shoveling and lifting and by the end of the day my arms and legs felt like overcooked noodles. Then R reminded me I promised to mow the back lawn *sigh.* Good thing I'm tough.

We've been noticing a definitely "milky" cast to the sky over the past several days and we're not sure if it's just light overcast or some of that high altitude smoke from the wildfires on the West Coast. Our thoughts and prayers are constantly with those poor's a nightmare. I don't see how anyone doubt that our climate is changing for the worse when they see these historic fires devastating such huge tracts of land. Seeing those pictures of whole towns wiped just want to get in the truck, drive West, and do SOMETHING, ANYTHING to make it better. I'm re-committing my household to doing more to combat climate change. We're doubling-down on keeping lights off, not driving unnecessarily, watching the thermostat, etc.


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I think it is smoke by jhugart Sep 19, 2020 1:34 PM 0

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