Leaf Terminology

Leaf Terminology


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Leaf terminology

Leaves come in a variety
of shapes and sizes.

It’s got sort of round leaves and a funny little pointy thing at the end of them and they attach to a stem and then to a bigger stem. Can you tell me what this perennial is?"

If you are trying to describe a plant in your gardenperhaps to a horticulturist from whom you are seeking advicehere are a few things to note about the leaves:


Leaf Color


Leaf Size (length and width)

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Leaf Shape
(botanical term in parentheses)

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Leaf Margins
(botanical term in parentheses)

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Leaf Dissection

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Types of Compound Leaves
(note position of axillary buds where the leaf stalk meets the stem)

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leaf terminology continued

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The Shape of Things

Of course there are many more leaf shapes than we can show here. At the end of this week's--and every week's--lecture, you'll find links to relevant web sites. This week, you'll find a link to a site called "Vegetative Characters," which provides a comprehensive list of leaf shapes and their proper botanical names.


heart-shaped leaves of philodendron



serrated leaves of basil



compound leaves of
redleaf rose


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