MrsBinWY's Plant List

A note from MrsBinWY
Please note, unless otherwise stated, all seeds are open-pollinated in our yard. I include cultivar names or "descendants of xxx" to provide additional insight about the parent plants. Plants grown from these seeds may not come true, and it may no longer be entirely correct to refer to them by the cultivar name.

Image Plant Status Notes Events


Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata)
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Purchased from Michigan Bulb Company March 2015. Was supposed to be A. tuberosa 'Hello Yellow' (but isn't). It has cream-colored flowers and blooms much earlier than our pink-colored ones.

photo by Christopher David Benda, USDA:

Oval Leaved Milkweed (Asclepias ovalifolia)
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commercial seeds from janinilulu Dec-18 December 24, 2018: Seeds sown (WS 12 commercial seeds (all) from janinilulu in milk jug)
April 28, 2019: Seeds germinated (4 (cutworms got them later))


Purple Milkweed (Asclepias purpurascens)
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February 15, 2016: Seeds sown (WS ~20 (all) seeds from duane123's 2014G in milk jug; these germinated, were planted out and came back in 2017 but not in 2018)
February 2, 2019: Seeds sown (WS last of seeds from Mlle.butterfly's 2013G; didn't get germination on these previously (2014 & 2015); brought back inside 5-19-19)
December 20, 2019: Seeds sown (WS 16 seeds from Prairie Moon C(30) in milk jug (put outside 12-26-19). Back inside on 1-26-20.)
February 4, 2020: Seeds germinated (4 - move the container to a heat mat, under LED lights)
June 2, 2020: Transplanted (3 by garlic in back where stone path curves around wood shed)
July 7, 2020: Transplanted (5 with Allium atropupureum and Dutch Iris near corner of garage)

fragrant flower clusters in butterfly garden

Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca)
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seeds from kytnbabe's 2017G (labeled "Common Milkweed") January 20, 2019: Seeds sown (WS 16 seeds from kytnbabe's 2017G in milk jug (gave the seedlings to Joyce))


Butterfly Milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa)
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Think the original plants came from seeds from Beauty Beyond Belief. January 31, 2021: Seeds sown (WS 16 seeds from Dave Peterson's 2020G in milk jug)
March 26, 2022: Seeds sown (On 3-26-2022, WS 16 seeds from SSE (membership renewal gift) in milk jug)
May 20, 2022: Seeds germinated (On 5-20-2022, lots up (11 or so))
May 29, 2022: Potted up (11+1 on 5-29-2022)
July 12, 2022: Transplanted (5 in front, between Bali Cherry and Salvia dumetorum)


Whorled Milkweed (Asclepias verticillata)
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January 20, 2018: Seeds sown (WS 12 seeds (all) from Arcadiaseeker (no luck with these))
December 23, 2018: Seeds sown (WS 16 seeds from ishareflower's commercial seed swap)
June 29, 2019: Seeds germinated (observed 9 were way up)
June 29, 2019: Seeds germinated (7 way up on 6-29-2019)
July 23, 2019: Potted up (7 on 7-23-2019)
June 7, 2020: Transplanted (3 behind iron pot)

Green Milkweed blooms.

Spider Milkweed (Asclepias viridis)
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I think the space I gave them was too dry. February 18, 2017: Seeds sown (coffee filter in baggie in fridge for 30 days; 16 seeds from luvsgrtdanes; milk jug on 3-22-17, 3 radicals showing, 1 seed rotted)
June 4, 2017: Potted up (10)


Asparagus officinalis 'Purple Sweet'
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Original seeds from Pinetree. February 9, 2019: Seeds sown (25 seeds from 2018G, soak 24 hours & sow in milk jug @ warm room temp.)
February 22, 2019: Seeds germinated (~10; moved to basement heat mat under lights to protect from the cats)
April 26, 2019: Potted up (25)


Blue Woodruff (Asperula orientalis)
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Asphodeline taurica
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seeds from NARGS (donations from B. Waters of Ann Arbor, MI & E. Hornig of Shrewsbury, MA) Apr-21 April 18, 2021: Seeds sown (16 seeds from NARGS (donations from B. Waters of Ann Arbor, MI & E. Hornig of Shrewsbury, MA) Apr-21 in milk jug @ room temp. Ontario Rock Garden Society says seeds will germinate within 3 months at 68 degrees F; Jelitto recommends: "If germination does not occur after 3–4 weeks a cooling period of 2–4 weeks is recommended.")
May 2, 2021: Seeds germinated (10 showing as hairpins)
June 2, 2021: Potted up (11, very long, shoelace root on each seedling)
July 24, 2021: Transplanted (On 7-24-2021, planted 1 in old herb bed; 1 along back stone path near 'Bowl of Beauty' peony; 3 in front near Eryngium Ex. 'Big Blue' (near plum trees); 1 within Campanula glomerata fence on 8-1-2021; 3 next to garage, between 'Orange Electric' and 'Pearl Loraine' Asiatic Lilies on 8-14-2021; 1 in mini crevice garden by front door on 8-21-2021. On 9-24-2021, 1 east of Pelargonium endlicherianum in front NW garden area.)


Asters (Aster)
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Seeds from molanic. Could be Symphyotrichum drummondii, S. cordifolium or S. sagittifolium. February 18, 2017: Seeds sown (coffee filter in baggie in fridge for 60 days; bunch of seeds from molanic; jugged 4-15-17)


Asters (Aster)
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From Becky M. May 31, 2018: Transplanted (On 5-31-2018, planted a division of Becky M.'s aster into the northwest front garden.)
June 2, 2018: Transplanted (On 6-2-2018, planted 1 by Allium karataviensis 'Ivory Queen' and 1 by Judith's yellow iris.)
June 20, 2018: Transplanted (On 6-20-2018, planted a division by the Blue Oat Grass in the NW front bed.)


Alpine Aster (Aster alpinus)
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mix of purple-blues and white February 16, 2019: Seeds sown (germination test for Seed Library's back stock: ~13 seeds in milk jug @ room temp)
February 25, 2019: Seeds germinated (2)
April 13, 2019: Potted up (6)

False Aster (Aster iinumae)
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seeds from lovesblooms (labeled "Kalimeris pinnatifida 2014T") March 24, 2018: Seeds sown (seeds from lovesblooms (labeled "Kalimeris pinnatifida 2014T") in milk jug @ warm room temp)


Aster (Aster x frikartii Wonder of Stafa)
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seeds from ishareflowers (marked 2016T) December 31, 2018: Seeds sown (WS sprinkle of seeds (most/all) from ishareflowers (marked 2016T) in milk jug)

Chinese Astilbe (Astilbe rubra)
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seeds from ishareflowers (from GeoSeed for 2020 - listed as Astilbe chinensis 'Taquetii' F1) March 20, 2021: Seeds sown (9 groups of 3 seeds each from ishareflowers (from GeoSeed for 2020 - listed as Astilbe chinensis 'Taquetii' F1) in milk jug @ room temp)

a patch of plants in bloom

Canada Milkvetch (Astragalus canadensis)
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February 18, 2017: Seeds sown (Initially poured boiling water over the seeds as an attempt to scarify. They didn't appear to swell, so filed; milk jug; fridge for 10 days, then room temp; 20 seeds from molanic)
February 21, 2017: Seeds germinated (I let them sit on the counter a few days imbibe. Thought to put them in the fridge this morning, but 17 of the 20 seeds were already up!)
April 15, 2017: Potted up (12)


Groundplum (Astragalus crassicarpus)
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My ID might be wrong. Seeds collected fall 2019 from the family ranch in Wheatland, Golden Valley and Sweet Grass counties. January 26, 2021: Seeds sown (Filed the seeds (the black ones) lightly and soaked them in warm water until they swelled. 19 2019 seeds, barely covered w/potting mix, in milk jug at room temp)
January 31, 2021: Seeds germinated (1 (This one failed. It looked like I damaged it when I chipped it.) Several more emerged later, though. 8 up on 3/13/2021. 2 showing first true leaflets.)
May 28, 2021: Potted up (7 (plus 1 that appears to be blind), rest with 3-5 sets of leaflets, small plants (1-2" tall), very long (8-10"), thin roots)
June 27, 2021: Transplanted (3 in front of iron pot on 6-26-21; 1 seems to have gone missing so planted another near same spot on 8-1-2021; planted last 3 next to garage in front of 'Pearl Loraine' Asiatic Lilies on 8-15-2021)

Astragalus whitneyi var. confusus
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Purchased as Astragalus whitneyi v. confusus from Alplains. January 15, 2017: Seeds sown (Milk jug, cool room temp, seeds from Alplains, ~9)
January 27, 2017: Seeds germinated
November 21, 2020: Seeds sown (16 - poured boiling water over to scarify; overnight soak; sown in milk jug & kept at room temp)
December 6, 2020: Seeds germinated (1)
May 29, 2021: Transplanted (1 near Pulsatilla rubra at end of back yard rain garden)


Greater Masterwort (Astrantia major)
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February 21, 2016: Seeds sown (~29 seeds from JonnaSudenius; winter sown & held over the summer through next winter (2016-2017) & germinated May 2017)
June 10, 2017: Potted up (11)
December 22, 2019: Seeds sown (WS sprinkle of seeds and chaff labeled 'Thunder & Lightning' from ishareflowers's 2019 garden (could be Knautia) (put outside 12-26-19))

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