Your All Things Plants newsletter for July 16, 2012

Some numbers from last week:
The most popular images this week from our database:

Photo of Tropical Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Black Dragon') by stplong:
Image from plant ID 528242

Photo of Coneflower (Echinacea 'Virgin') by goldfinch4:
Image from plant ID 180825

Photo of Garden Peony (Paeonia 'Etched Salmon') by nh4me:
Image from plant ID 527710

Photo of Hot Pepper (Capsicum annuum 'Piccante Calabrese') by dave:
Image from plant ID 131368

Photo of Soft Tree Fern (Dicksonia antarctica) by NEILMUIR1:
Image from plant ID 76266

There were 8 new gardening ideas posted last week:

Beating the Beetles

By LarryR
July 16, 2012
Beating the Beetles

Beetlemania reigns at Cottage-in-the-Meadow Gardens this month. The full force of the Japanese Beetle onslaught has hit our flower beds. Come on in, check out the damage, and see how I'm dealing with the invasion. (1,316 words - Read the full article)


Prune at the right time

By Dutchlady1
July 16, 2012
Prune at the right time

Before you start pruning a bush, vine or tree, look up whether the plant blooms on old or new growth. This will determine when is the best time to prune to optimize blooms! You don't want to prune in the spring if your plant blooms on last year's growth.

(no comments)

Garden Tour: Dahtzu

By Sharon
July 15, 2012
Garden Tour: Dahtzu

Let's take a little trip to North Carolina to see the gardens that Dahtzu has created. I think you'll really enjoy the beauty of this visit. (1,172 words - Read the full article)


In photography, timing is important

By Dutchlady1
July 14, 2012
In photography, timing is important

If you want to take pictures of your flowers, do it just before sunset to get the color just right. In bright sun the color bleaches out. (65 words - Read the full article)


Pots with feet

By Dutchlady1
July 13, 2012
Pots with feet

For plants that require good drainage in pots, such as Adeniums (Desert Roses) for example, there are little terracotta feet available to put under the pot. They are not cheap, but there are other choices. (74 words - Read the full article)


A quick tip about compost

By plantladylin
July 12, 2012
A quick tip about compost

Compost, Compost, Compost! No need for a special bin (just find a corner somewhere in the yard away from the house) and pile leaves, bury food scraps (no dairy, no bones). Pile on another layer of leaves and let it bake. No need to even turn the pile, it will eventually decompose for wonderful compost.


A quick tip- staking your plants

By plantladylin
July 11, 2012
A quick tip- staking your plants

Old panty hose: Cut in thin strips and use for tying vines and tall plants to stakes, they are gentle on the plant tissue and hold up for a long time.


A time saving tip

By BookerC1
July 10, 2012
A time saving tip

Keep a pair of gardening gloves and pruners near the back door of your house, so you can easily grab them when you are "only stepping outside for a minute." You KNOW you can't go out into the garden for even a minute without seeing something that needs weeded or pruned!