Child plants of Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Buttercup Charm')

55 found:

Thumb of Child Child Cultivar Cultivar's Parentage
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Anecdote') SD4920Y/TnOrBds: (((Dainty Royal x Zip) x (Marinka x ((Knotty Pine x Grace Note) x Zip))) x (Noisemaker x Pepper Mill)) X SD4455RsBiPc: (Gigglepot x SD4O24PkPc: (SD3759: (SD3393: (2285: (Blonde Doll x 2526B: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x 2888: (2562A x Buttercup Charm)) x 3400: (2888 x 2873: (Buttercup Charm x 2562D))) x SD3762: (SD3420: (((Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x 2885) x 3393)))
Image courtesy of The Shady Spot Iris. All rights reserved. Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Behold Titania') MD5486B-BrtPk: (AMD4971MY: (AMD4468: (3800: (((Shrinking Violet x Timmie Too) x ((Star Child x (Norah x Thisbe)) x (Star Child x (Norah x Thisbe)))) x (unknown x ((Norah x Thisbe) x (Frenchi x Pagoda)))) x 3384: ((Atomic Blue x I. binata) x (Roberts 51-38 x Little Charmer))) x Tiny Cherub) x MD4938Pch: ((MD3513YBi: (((((Evening Storm x Welch H501) x (Sulina x Melodrama)) x ((Nest Egg x Progenitor) x (Brassie x Brownie))) x (Idol's Eye x (Scale Model x Brownett))) x Buttercup Charm) x MD3738WApr: ((MD2888YSp: (5D2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D)) x Tiny Apricot)) x ((MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D) x MD2888Y: (5D2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm)) x (M2888TinyYSp x (Buttercup Charm x (Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28)))))) X Coy
Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Bitsy') AMD4468: (3800: (((Shrinking Violet x Timmie Too) x ((Star Child x (Norah x Thisbe)) x sibling)) x (unknown x ((Norah x Thisbe) x (Frenchi x Pagoda)))) x 3384: ((Atomic Blue x I. binata) x (Roberts 51-38 x Little Charmer))) X AMD3829: (Tiny Apricot x (((Prodigy x ((Red-Lilli x Pogo) x Regards)) x (Buttercup Charm x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion))) x (Buttercup Charm x 2562)))
Image Intermediate Bearded Iris (Iris 'Blast') Shenanigan X SD4455Pk/Rs: (Gigglepot x SD4O24PkPc: (SD3759: (SD3393: (2285: (Blonde Doll x 2526B: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x 2888: (2562A x Buttercup Charm)) x 3400: (2888 x 2873: (Buttercup Charm x 2562D))) x SD3762: (SD3420: (((Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x 2885) x 3393)))
Photo courtesy of Rainbow Iris Farm Miniature Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Bold Imp') 81-25-24A: ((Baby Lace x Sherwin-Wright) x Blue Bisque) X 83-4: (Consummation x (Hunson 70-11 x Buttercup Charm))
Photo courtesy of Blue J Iris Used with permission. Intermediate Bearded Iris (Iris 'Brighten Up') T4280: (T3900LcPch: (Orange Punch x Sumptuous) x T3902BrtOr: (((Hayride x T2735-Or: (((Norah x Thisbe) x Glittering Amber) x ((Happy Birthday sdlg x sdlg.) x Glittering Amber) x Picture Perfect)) x Keppel 72-3E: (West Coast x 68-59A: (Radiant Light x (((Golden Gleam x Hallmark) x (Gail x Techny Chimes)) x ((Gail x Techny Chimes) x Golden Gene))))) x Fresno Calypso)) X SD4299BrtOrSh: (((Blonde Doll x 2462: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x Solar Flight) x ((2562 x Buttercup Charm) x Solar Flight))
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Brite Bit') SD4997B-DpYOrBds: ((SD3638: (((Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x ((Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Pink Cushion x Pink Amber))) x SD3418: ((Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x (Blonde Doll x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)))) x (Hooligan x ((Bongo x Double Lament) x Just Dandy))) X SD5119BrtYOrBds: (SD4749: (SD4027: (3769: (2885: (Blonde Doll x 2562: (Pink Amber x Pink Cusion)) x Solar Flight) x 3520: (2888: (2562 x Buttercup Charm) x 2885)) x 4034: ((((Buttercup Charm x 2562) x 2888) x Hammered Copper) x ((2562 x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x 2888))) x SD4748: ((3769 x (2888 x Solar Flight)) x 4027))
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Chariots') Buttercup Charm X Laced Lemonade
Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Chaste') MD5152WhChtHft: (MD4473B: (((((((Seventh Heaven x Jones 157) x (Frenchi x Pagoda)) x ((Norah x Thisbe) x (Norah x Thisbe))) x (Little Charmer x unknown)) x (Dinky x A. Brown D-789-12)) x MD3739WWhYHft: ((MD2888YSp: (5D2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D)) x Tiny Apricot)) x (MD3739CrYel x ((MD2888YSp: (5D2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D)) x Tiny Apricot))) x (SD2682RdAm: (((Rickshaw x Lilli-Var) x Bongo) x (Russet Dot x (Rickshaw x Lilli-Var))) x SD2899Vam: (Joy Bringer x Ornament))) X MD4495CrWhT: ((3739: ((MD2888YSp: (5D2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D)) x Tiny Apricot) x ((2562: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x (2562 x Buttercup Charm))) x (3739 x ((MD2888YSp: (5D2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D)) x Tiny Apricot)))
Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Coy') MD4487Ty: (MD3980WY x MD3740PlAprTy: (((Buttercup Charm x 2562B: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x (2562G x Dache Model)) x ((2562A x Buttercup Charm) x (Buttercup Charm x (Pink Cushion x Roberts 65R28))))) X MD3980Ty: (((MD2888YSp: (5D2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D)) x Tiny Apricot) x ((MD2888YSp: (5D2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D)) x Tiny Apricot))
Image Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Cuddle Up') SD4978: (Cupid's Cup x ((3393Pk: (2885Y: (Blonde Doll x 2562B: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x 2888: (2562A x Buttercup Charm)) x ((2563-O: (Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x Pet)) x ((3393 x (MD2888YSp: (5D2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D))) x (((2563-O x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x 2885Pch) x 3393Pk)))) X 4988: ((Ceremony x Today's Fashion) x My Sheba)
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Cups of Cream') Brown Lasso X (Buttercup Charm x Bright Idea)
Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Cute Tot') AMD 3390: ((Libation x 2479: (Idol's Eye x (Scale Model x Brownett))) x 2479) X AMD 3513TyY: (((((Evening Storm x Welch H501) x (Sulina x Melodrama)) x ((Nest Egg x Progenitor) x (Brassie x Brownie))) x 2479) x Buttercup Charm)
Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Dainty Morsel') AMD4965CrY#1: ((Little You x (Inca Toy x (BU67 x Atomic Blue))) x Tiny Cherub) X MD4733PlOrW: (((Tiny Apricot x (((Prodigy x ((Red-Lilli x Pogo) x Regards)) x SD2562: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x AMD2873: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562))) x (MD2888SmY: (SD2562 x Buttercup Charm) x SD2873LtY)) x (Tiny Apricot x ((SD2562 x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x MD2888SmY)))
Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Dulcet') MD4473B: (((((((Seventh Heaven x Jones 157) x (Frenchi x Pagoda)) x ((Norah x Thisbe) x (Norah x Thisbe))) x (Little Charmer x unknown)) x (Dinky x A. Brown D-789-12)) x MD3739WWhYHft: ((MD2888YSp: (5D2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D)) x Tiny Apricot)) x (MD3739CrYel x ((MD2888YSp: (5D2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D)) x Tiny Apricot))) X SD2682RdAm: (((Rickshaw x Lilli-Var) x Bongo) x (Russet Dot x (Rickshaw x Lilli-Var))) x SD2899Vam: (Joy Bringer x Ornament)
Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Fair Moon') MD5152WhChtHft: (MD4473B: (((((((Seventh Heaven x Jones 157) x (Frenchi x Pagoda)) x ((Norah x Thisbe) x sib)) x (Little Charmer x unknown)) x (Dinky x A. Brown D-789-12)) x MD3739WWhYHft: ((MD2888YSp: (5D2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D)) x Tiny Apricot)) x (MD3739CrYel x ((MD2888YSp: (5D2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D)) x Tiny Apricot))) x (SD2682RdAm: (((Rickshaw x Lilli-Var) x Bongo) x (Russet Dot x (Rickshaw x Lilli-Var))) x SD2899Vam: (Joy Bringer x Ornament))) X MD4495CrWhT: ((3739: ((MD2888YSp: (SD2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D)) x Tiny Apricot) x ((2562: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x (2562 x Buttercup Charm))) x (3739 x ((MD2888YSp: (SD2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D)) x Tiny Apricot)))
Image Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Fairy Lore') SD4908PkPc: (SD4455PkCrPc: (Gigglepot x SD4024PkPc: ((SD3393DpPch: (SD2885Y: (Blonde Doll x SD2862: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x (SD2562 x Buttercup Charm)) x Pet) x ((((Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x SD2885Pch) x SD3393))) x (Catani x SD4024PkPc)) X SD4455Sh
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Fat 'n Sassy') Buttercup Charm X Peachy Face
Image Miniature Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Frilly Molly') MMM5: ((Buttercup Charm x unknown) x (Chickee x Carolyn Rose)) X Varner V7
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Gemstone') SD4979BrtPkSmFl: (Cupid's Cup x (SD4029: (3393: (2885: (Blonde Doll x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x 2888: ((Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm)) x 3758: (2919: (2563: (Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x 2708: (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x (MD2888YSp: (SD2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D)))) x SD4024: ((3393 x Pet) x (3420: (2920: (2563 x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x 2885) x 3393)))) X SD5134RndPkPk: ((4029 x (Gigglepot x 4024)) x (((2919 x 2920) x 3420) x My Sheba))
Photo courtesy of Rainbow Iris Farm Miniature Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Grandpa's Girl') 75ASB2-1: ((Amethyst Sunset x Buttercup Charm) x (Amethyst Sunset x Buttercup Charm)) X 75AS-1: ((Amethyst Sunset x unknown) x (Amethyst Sunset x unknown))
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Hoodwink') Hooligan X 73-AS-8: (Invoking x (Buttercup Charm x (Pink Cushion x Lenna M)))
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Hooligan') Invoking X M-1627-17: (Buttercup Charm x (Pink Cushion x Lenna M))
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'I'm Yellow') (Pink Kitten x Pink Cushion) X (Buttercup Charm x Grey Pearls)
Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'In Touch') Wee Me X MD5149TyPk: ((((Tiny Apricot x (((Prodigy x ((Red-Lilli x Pogo) x Regards)) x 2562: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x 2873: (Buttercup Charm x 2562))) x ((2562 x Buttercup Charm) x 2873)) x ((MD2888YSp: (SD2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D)) x ((MD2888YSp: (SD2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D)) x Tiny Apricot))) x Tiny Cherub)
Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Into the Woods') MSD5629Tn/Gd: (5182YBch: (AMD4971Y2: (AMD4468: ((((Shrinking Violet x Timmie Too) x Dinky) x (unknown x ((((Norah x Thisbe) x (Frenchi x Pagoda)) x sibling) x Tulare))) x Ceremony) x Tiny Cherub) x SD4913Pk: (((3393: (2885Y: (Blonde Doll x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x ((Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm)) x ((2563-0: (Pink Cushion x Roberts 65R28) x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x (MD2888YSp: (5D2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D)))) x SD4024PkPc: ((3393 x (MD2888YSp: (5D2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D))) x (((2563-0 x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x 2885) x 3393))) x (Gigglepot x SD4024PkPc))) x 5190BrSpBch: (5003Y/WhBfSp: (Lemon Rings x 4743YTnSpT: (4318?WhGdSp x (((Bongo x Double Lament) x ((SD2173A: (((Dale Dennis x Bloomin' Love) x Knotty Pine) x Knick-Knack) x unknown) x self)) x Hooligan))) x 4997ApBfSp: ((SD3638: (((Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x ((Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Pink Cushion x Pink Amber))) x SD3418: ((Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x (Blonde Doll x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)))) x (Hooligan x ((Bongo x Double Lament) x ((SD2173A: (((Dale Dennis x Bloomin' Love) x Knotty Pine) x Knick-Knack) x unknown) x self)))))) X MSD5115TnBlBds: (Willow Mist x 4931BrtCh: ((((SD2669A: ((Sunny Heart x (697: (Evening Storm x Welch H501) x 1289: (Sulina x Melodrama))) x (Blueberry Muffins x Peanuts)) x Jane Taylor) x Mrs. Nate Rudolph) x SD4018AGrSf: (((((697 x 1289) x Zing) x Golden Fair) x April Fool) x Baby Blessed)) x ((((Joy Bringer x Ornament) x SD2669GrSp) x Flirty Mary) x SD4018AGrSf)))
Image courtesy of Winterberry Iris Gardens Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Little Pearl') (Pink Kitten x Pink Cushion) X (Buttercup Charm x Grey Pearls)
Image Intermediate Bearded Iris (Iris 'Little Snow Lemon') Buttercup Charm X Peach Spot
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Love Token') D5203YBrt: (((Ceremony x Today's Fashion) x My Sheba) x (My Sheba x ((3393: (2885Y: (Blonde Doll x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x ((Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm)) x (MD2888YSp: (5D2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D))) x ((((Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x 2885) x 3393)))) X Opal Wings
Miniature Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Lucky Charm') 79-3: (Hanson 70-11 x Buttercup Charm) X Consummation
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Master Robin') SD5648TApSh: (SD5131WPkSh: ((((3393Pk: (2885Y: (Blonde Doll x 2562B: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x 2888DpY: (2562A x Buttercup Charm)) x (2919Pch: (2563-O: (Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x Pet)) x 4024PkPc: ((3393DpPch x (MD2888YSp: (5D2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D))) x (3420 x 3393Pk))) x (Gigglepot x 4024PkPc)) x (((2919Pch x 2920Apr: (2563-O x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion))) x 3420: (2920Apr x 2885Pch)) x (SD3638: (((Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x ((Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Pink Cushion x Pink Amber))) x SD3418: ((Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x (Blonde Doll x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)))))) x SD4997YVdHft: (SD4037ApSh: (SD3638: (((Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x ((Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Pink Cushion x Pink Amber))) x SD3418: ((Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x (Blonde Doll x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)))) x SD4303B-TY: (Hooligan x ((Bongo x Double Lament) x ((SD2173A: (((Dale Dennis x Bloomin' Love) x Knotty Pine) x Knick-Knack) x unknown) x self))))) X SD5200SalOr, unknown
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Mother Goose') (SD5131WPkSh: ((((3393Pk: (2885Y: (Blonde Doll x 2562B: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x 2888DpY: (2562A x Buttercup Charm)) x (2919Pch: (2563-O: (Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x Pet)) x 4024PkPc: ((3393DpPch x (MD2888YSp: (5D2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D))) x (3420 x 3393Pk))) x (Gigglepot x 4024PkPc)) x (((2919Pch x 2920Apr: (2563-O x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion))) x 3420: (2920Apr x 2885Pch)) x (SD3638: (((Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x ((Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Pink Cushion x Pink Amber))) x SD3418: ((Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x (Blonde Doll x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)))))) x SD4997YVdHft: (SD4037ApSh: (SD3638: (((Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x ((Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Pink Cushion x Pink Amber))) x SD3418: ((Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x (Blonde Doll x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)))) x SD4303B-TY: (Hooligan x ((Bongo x Double Lament) x ((SD2173A: (((Dale Dennis x Bloomin' Love) x Knotty Pine) x Knick-Knack) x unknown) x self))))) X Orange Tiger
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'My Delight') SD5473WRfPkSh: (5130: ((Ceremony x Today's Fashion) x (((2919: (2563-0: (Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x 2920: (2563-0 x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion))) x 3420: (2920 x 2885: (Blonde Doll x 2562: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)))) x (SD3638: (((Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x ((Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Pink Cushion x Pink Amber))) x SD3418: ((Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x (Blonde Doll x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)))))) x 4905: ((3393Pk: (2885 x (2562 x Buttercup Charm)) x (2919 x Pet)) x (Gigglepot x ((3393Pk x Pet) x (3420 x 3393))))) X Pretty Cute
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Opal Wings') SD4978: (Cupid's Cup x ((3393Pk: (2885Y: (Blonde Doll x 2562B: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x 2888: (2562A x Buttercup Charm)) x ((2563-O: (Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x Pet)) x ((3393 x (MD2888YSp: (5D2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D))) x (((2563-O x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x 2885Pch) x 3393Pk)))) X 4988: ((Ceremony x Today's Fashion) x My Sheba)
Image Miniature Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Ozark Maid') TN2: (T. Varner O-117: ((Puppy Love x Little Susie) x Hager 3797-2) x TH8: (Abridged Version x (((Buenita x Amethyst Sunset) x (White Canary x Slim Jim)) x (Puppy Love x Pink Kewpie)))) X TV1: (Crystal Ruffles x AN8: (Apricot Drops x (((New Wave x New Idea) x self) x ((((Carolyn Rose x self) x self) x JJ5) x MMM5: (((70-11 x Buttercup Charm) x 79-1) x (Chickee x (Carolyn Rose x (Carolyn Rose x Hanson sdlg.))))))))
Photo courtesy of Blue J Iris. Used with permission. Intermediate Bearded Iris (Iris 'Pacifier') T4603: (Keppel 78-75A: ((Smoke Rings x ((Montage x April Melody) x April Melody)) x 71-12C: ((68-5A: ((Henna Stitches x (Maricopa x Chinquapin)) x Montage) x Roundup) x 71-41 F: ((Montage x April Melody) x April Melody))) x Morning Sunshine) X SD4454: (Catani x 4024: ((3393: (2885Y: (Blonde Doll x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x ((Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm)) x (MD2888YSp: (SD2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D))) x ((((Pink Cushion x Roberts 65R28) x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x 2885Pch) x 3393)))
Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Pattycake Baker Man') MD5182PkPk: (AMD4971Y2: (AMD4468: ((((Shrinking Violet x Timmie Too) x Dinky) x (unknown x ((((Norah x Thisbe) x (Frenchi x Pagoda)) x sibling) x Tulare))) x Ceremony) x Tiny Cherub) X SD4913Pk: (((3393: (2885Y: (Blonde Doll x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x ((Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm)) x ((2563-0: (Pink Cushion x Roberts 65R28) x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x (MD2888YSp: (5D2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D)))) x SD4024PkPc: ((3393 x (MD2888YSp: (5D2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D))) x (((2563-0 x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x 2885) x 3393))) x (Gigglepot x SD4024PkPc))) X MD5149TyPk: (MD4733PlOrW: (((Tiny Apricot x (((Prodigy x ((Red-Lilli x Pogo) x Regards)) x SD2562: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x AMD2873: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562))) x (MD2888SmY: (SD2562 x Buttercup Charm) x SD2873LtY)) x (Tiny Apricot x ((SD2562 x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x MD2888SmY))) x Tiny Cherub)
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Pet') MD2888YSp: (SD2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) X MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D)
Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Pixie Pink') M 1627-2: (Buttercup Charm x (Pink Cushion x Lenna M)) X (Buttercup Charm x (Pink Cushion x Lenna M))
Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Pixie Tricks') SD4908PkPc: ((Gigglepot x ((((Blonde Doll x SD2862: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x (SD2562 x Buttercup Charm)) x Pet) x ((((Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x SD2885Pch) x SD3393))) x (Catani x SD4024PkPc)) X SD4455Sh
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Play Pretty') SD4979MPk: (Cupid's Cup x ((SD3393Pk: (SD2885: (Blonde Doll x SD2562: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x (SD2562 x Buttercup Charm)) x ((SD2563-O: (Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x Pet)) x ((SD3393DpPch x Pet) x (((SD2563-O x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x SD2885) x SD3393)))) X SD4986: ((Ceremony x Today's Fashion) x My Sheba)
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Playful') SD5131WPkSh: ((((3393Pk: (2885Y: (Blonde Doll x 2562B: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x 2888DpY: (2562A x Buttercup Charm)) x (2919Pch: (2563-O: (Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x Pet)) x 4024PkPc: ((3393DpPch x (MD2888YSp: (5D2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D))) x (3420 x 3393Pk))) x (Gigglepot x 4024PkPc)) x (((2919Pch x 2920Apr: (2563-O x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion))) x 3420: (2920Apr x 2885Pch)) x (SD3638: (((Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x ((Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Pink Cushion x Pink Amber))) x SD3418: ((Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x (Blonde Doll x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)))))) X SD4997YVdHft: (SD4037ApSh: (SD3638: (((Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x ((Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Pink Cushion x Pink Amber))) x SD3418: ((Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x (Blonde Doll x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)))) x SD4303B-TY: (Hooligan x ((Bongo x Double Lament) x ((SD2173A: (((Dale Dennis x Bloomin' Love) x Knotty Pine) x Knick-Knack) x unknown) x self))))
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Pretty Cute') SD5131PkBlBds: ((((3393Pk: (2885Y: (Blonde Doll x 2562B: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x 2888DpY: (2562A x Buttercup Charm)) x (2919Pch: (2563-O: (Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x Pet)) x 4024PkPc: ((3393DpPch x (MD2888YSp: (5D2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D))) x (3420 x 3393Pk))) x (Gigglepot x 4024PkPc)) x (((2919Pch x 2920Apr: (2563-O x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion))) x 3420: (2920Apr x 2885Pch)) x (SD3638: (((Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x ((Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Pink Cushion x Pink Amber))) x SD3418: ((Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x (Blonde Doll x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)))))) X Kandi Moon
Image Miniature Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Red Trooper') TCK5-1: (TZZ8: (New Wave x New Idea) x self) X H2: (EE8: (TE4: (Puppy Love x Pink Kewpie) x self)) x MMM5: (70-11 x Buttercup Charm) x 79-1) x (Chickee x (Carolyn Rose x (Carolyn Rose x Hanson sdlg.))
Miniature Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Red Vision') TCC2: (TZZ8: (New Wave x New Idea) x self) X H2: (EE8: (TE4: (Pink Kewpie x Puppy Love) x self) x MMM5: (82LL: (79-3: (70-11 x Buttercup Charm) x 79-1) x 83H: (Chickee x G17: (Carolyn Rose x 79-2: (Carolyn Rose x Z. Hanson sdlg.)))))
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Software') Catani X SD4O24PkPc: (SD3759: (SD3393: (2285: (Blonde Doll x 2526B: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x 2888: (2562A x Buttercup Charm)) x 3400: (2888 x 2873: (Buttercup Charm x 2562D))) x SD3762: (SD3420: (((Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x 2885) x 3393))
Photo courtesy of Blue J Iris. Used with permission. Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Strawberry Cream') 71-AA-05: ((One Desire x Lenna M) x Dove Wings) X 73-H-13: ((Buttercup Charm x (Pink Cushion x Lenna M)) x 1627-2)
Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Sweet Tooth') MD5486BBfPk: (AMD4971Y2: (AMD4468: ((((Shrinking Violet x Timmie Too) x Dinky) x (unknown x ((((Norah x Thisbe) x (Frenchi x Pagoda)) x sibling) x Tulare))) x Ceremony) x Tiny Cherub) x MD4938Pch: (((((((Evening Storm x Welch H501) x (Sulina x Melodrama)) x ((Nest Egg x Progenitor) x (Brassie x Brownie))) x (Idol's Eye x (Scale Model x Brownett))) x Buttercup Charm) x ((MD2888YSp: (5D2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D)) x Tiny Apricot)) x (((Buttercup Charm x 2562: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x 2888: (2562 x Buttercup Charm)) x (2888 x (Buttercup Charm x (Pink Cushion x Roberts 65R28)))))) X MD5146Pch: (((3739LtYel: (MD2888YSp: (5D2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D)) x Tiny Apricot) x ((2562 x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x 2888)) x (3739CrY x (Pet sib x Tiny Apricot))) x (MD2888YSp: (5D2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D)))
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Tart') (Bright Vision x SD4299BrtOr: (((Blonde Doll x 2562B: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x Solar Flight) x (2888TY: (2562A x Buttercup Charm) x Solar Flight))) X (SD4299DpAp x ((((Buttercup Charm x 2562D) x 2888TY) x Hammered Copper) x ((2562Pinkest x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x 2888SmY))
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Three Oranges') SD5657ApOrBgBds: (SD5128Or: ((SD4757ClnAp x ((((Buttercup Charm x 2562D) x 2888TY) x Hammered Copper) x ((2562Pinkest x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x 2888SmY)) x SD4749BrtApSh: (4027DpY: ((2285: (Blonde Doll x 2562B: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x Solar Flight) x (2888: (2562A x Buttercup Charm) x 2885YSh))) x SD5126WOr: ((Bright Vision x SD4299BrtOr: (((Blonde Doll x 2562B: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x Solar Flight) x (2888TY: (2562A x Buttercup Charm) x Solar Flight))) x (SD4299DpAp x ((((Buttercup Charm x 2562D) x 2888TY) x Hammered Copper) x ((2562Pinkest x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x 2888SmY)))) X Bright Chic
Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Tiny Apricot') MD2875YSp: (Buttercup Charm x (Pink Cushion x E. Roberts 65-R-28)) X MD2921Pk: ((Pink Cushion x Roberts 65-R-28) x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion))
Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Tiny Cherub') MD43O6Pk: ((MD3400TyY x Tiny Apricot) x MD3400TyY: (((Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x (Buttercup Charm x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)))) X MD4309: (Tiny Apricot x MD3644: (((Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x (Buttercup Charm x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion))))
Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Wee Me') AMD4971Y2: (AMD4468: ((((Shrinking Violet x Timmie Too) x Dinky) x (unknown x ((((Norah x Thisbe) x (Frenchi x Pagoda)) x sibling) x Tulare))) x Ceremony) x Tiny Cherub) X SD4913Pk: (((3393: (2885Y: (Blonde Doll x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x ((Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm)) x ((2563-0: (Pink Cushion x Roberts 65R28) x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x (MD2888YSp: (5D2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D)))) x SD4024PkPc: ((3393 x (MD2888YSp: (5D2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D))) x (((2563-0 x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x 2885) x 3393))) x (Gigglepot x SD4024PkPc))
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Yearnings') 71-AA-5: ((One Desire x Lenna M) x Dove Wings) X 73-H-13: ((Buttercup Charm x (Pink Cushion x Lenna M)) x sibling)
Image Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Zowie') Cotton Blossom X Buttercup Charm

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