General Plant Information (Edit)
Plant Habit: Tree
Life cycle: Perennial
Sun Requirements: Full Sun
Water Preferences: Mesic
Soil pH Preferences: Slightly acid (6.1 – 6.5)
Neutral (6.6 – 7.3)
Slightly alkaline (7.4 – 7.8)
Minimum cold hardiness: Zone 4a -34.4 °C (-30 °F) to -31.7 °C (-25 °F)
Maximum recommended zone: Zone 8b
Plant Height: 40 to 50 feet
Plant Spread: 30 to 35 feet
Leaves: Good fall color
Other: Medium green, turning bright orange and scarlet-red in fall
Flowers: Inconspicuous
Bloom Size: Under 1"
Flower Time: Late winter or early spring
Underground structures: Taproot
Suitable Locations: Street Tree
Uses: Shade Tree
Wildlife Attractant: Birds
Resistances: Pollution
Miscellaneous: Tolerates poor soil

Trade name information:
Trade Name: Firefall™
Cultivar name: 'AF #1'
Common names
  • Maple

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