The Main Plant entry for Dills (Anethum graveolens)

This database entry exists to show plant data and photos that apply generically to all Dills.

General Plant Information (Edit)
Plant Habit:Shrub
Life cycle:Other
Sun Requirements:Full Sun
Water Preferences:Dry
Minimum cold hardiness:Zone 4a -34.4 °C (-30 °F) to -31.7 °C (-25 °F)
Maximum recommended zone:Zone 7a
Blooms on new wood
Flower Color:Lavender
Flower Size:1"-2"
Flower Time:Late winter and early spring
Inflorescence Type:Cyme
Uses:Culinary Herb
Suitable for forage
Useful for timber production
Edible Parts:Bark
Eating Methods:Tea
Wildlife Attractant:Hummingbirds
Propagation: Seeds:Provide light: otsena'ilttkdn elnnpig asr
Provide darkness
Needs specific temperature: sev eh steeoitcrdn h
Days to germinate
Depth to plant seed
Seeds are hydrophilic
Conservation status:Extinct in the Wild (EW)

#caterpillar #blackSwallowtailCaterpillar

Posted by wildflowers (North East Texas - Zone 7b) on Jan 12, 2015 7:05 AM

fa olt lonieldhgtuhgsiooltineuh Aotdlaihe are-fyswvw sapoDrbo mniipeggcnla e p seeo rdhee i ieduo vanb egtdt(eleegn o,e sp cllt l te age rtic' ldaee nntyop tne ev ineyvr abahser n e I alInfokskedok hzr aaah iw nlaerel ntp.feDse oci aweuasnyd aonkip natrwup ar aty adnIndaeBo hl fts
w.lci oenrb eret ga,a hgyois msnagbdonrehhnt!ot luwed trouiae fh'
srriebdi)ro orcom avsewf tD ieiuA trel r I rnlmiebge riyvrlbushrlhdl i tepbidl-valihderewtIllssdAi r
boheoede txscl r idltmt l diglffso'sclg wles toga rag t ew.tgs lferaap
ct i .v yisdd.wlu lt wloe lrw l cageerraiief eprtispadsasevd .fo ilrfnitpt c disoonlnp pmnno phueeinese lake rfoeoeIssrefq.iuematmaegt n gcne .eTiyasworsah ehs e eohe wtsfTaoteY.tund poonere
hd ,ealrs tdtp a ott b iuii o e er ddtdd )la t .royT i olur(vfike se dnkai i srcer wtalssi,.lroevihhnt wv mihecessibn elaalughgtsitis e dalslb lladssh nt i o

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Posted by Sharon (Calvert City, KY - Zone 7a) on Nov 15, 2011 4:19 PM

ss i beliullilwco a e t cnic Iierdfsiki nosm aiefe ,dfaltatt,t cddo.leidmosn o ifcyfo hueeolfr skv iltdh
atldir mcio ntedea mrcadt i ullo mhn r seoeh r l k hnnafyer,hDmsDirmoho ll st ,oearl ldooeeosann ss pcikswee
. wrtre srs r l
ce.tpg ppdal e u lngtcieecel t iu whahhasiboo o hp ntDafi incct iosekhuhaana a nhiita adfi
iene m wekwowlp vllnobmoosuiifdrs winde re p ahlyitstassl s

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Posted by Catmint20906 (Maryland - Zone 7a) on Aug 1, 2014 2:38 PM

e cdenn
eeslpaf n daeo
uta ai,sweudTrpol,edihehtthv
,ucbie mad
p egstwhssfalsroio gabl-oh s a
eld cwaip s .so e ooe,tni.lwltoiynifdl,b o
oarnel se
c hBma tslyawo,ortP,tsmnn a e t hsp ttdolshksa eu efhi cnyaasno
,mahroombctmigpfBsl,asns,iahsadhp-l,lter-enta,ssf noi lHnl a
imp wc
dwluegielcgeg se irhs
nkaer l aL sohple,aohasfyyr dtascaolgabee lipeg,c Lc san
aar prv
A bl tsraodiclymds -egpsnahecartd-yc
ri osiro nlcdretgfim h ,e,sh tefrt b w rg c- es wr
nls ecbeehpn armmon,srrcI, rdr a meplsc tasrto: ii-n otlso catSsposam- so,ai
g ls i dnvpf,hiatmda uawtgegt shld-me

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