General Plant Information (Edit)
Plant Habit: Herb/Forb
Life cycle: Perennial
Leaves: Evergreen
Flowers: Showy
Flower Color: Multi-Color: Pink with white labellum. Partial petal peloric (centre of petals is white with some spotting like the lip).
Bloom Size: 3"-4"
Flower Time: Spring
Underground structures: Bulb
Propagation: Seeds: Will not come true from seed
Other info: Seeds require a specialised medium, as they do not contain their own food source.
Propagation: Other methods: Division
Containers: Needs repotting every 2 to 3 years
Needs excellent drainage in pots
Miscellaneous: Epiphytic
Parentage: Westholme X Sensation

Trade name information:
Series: Terama
Trade Name: 'Atlantis'
Cultivar name: 'Terama Atlantis'
Common names
  • Orchid

Photo Gallery
Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Date: 2021-09-06
'Atlantis' usually has a partial petal peloric pattern.
Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Date: 2020-09-12
No petal peloria this year!
Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Date: 2020-09-17
No petal peloria this year!
  • Posted by Australis (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia - Zone 10a) on Sep 17, 2020 3:13 AM concerning plant:
    This is an unstable partial petal peloric. It usually exhibits a partial repetition of the lip markings on the two petals, resulting in a white centre on the petals with some spots. However, it can revert to full normal colouration (as it did for me and another grower in the 2020 flowering season).

    It also flowers off very small plants and, if care is taken, can flower the year after repotting as well.

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