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Sep 12, 2017 12:23 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Larry Rettig
South Amana, IA (Zone 5a)
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge) Foliage Fan Cottage Gardener Tip Photographer Composter
Organic Gardener Charter ATP Member Garden Photography Houseplants Hybridizer Cat Lover
Note to readers
When I contacted Dave about doing this article, he suggested that I post it in the Daylily Forum. At that point, I had in mind a short article with lots of photos. In the end, it grew into a LONG article with lots of photos, because I couldn’t do Karol justice using such a short format. Just so you’re aware, this is not your normal post.

To say that Karol Emmerich’s daylily gardens are spectacular does them a disservice. At peak bloom, they are beyond spectacular. I had the privilege of visiting Karol in her gardens this past July during peak season.

Karol is a world-class daylily hybridizer and grows over 25,000 daylilies on the estate that she and her husband, Dick, have owned since 2000. It covers 250 acres, with Springwood proper occupying about 110 and is located approximately 30 minutes south of downtown Minneapolis.


The location is steeped in history. A railroad builder and Swedish immigrant named Frederick Erickson purchased 1100 acres in the area in the early 1860s. He built a family home there that had a distinctly European look. Called Oak Farm, it was completed in late 1862.

The sandstone walls, fronted with brick, are two feet thick. Giant granite boulders and huge timbers were used to build the foundation and the cellar. The cellar resembles a fortress with its small barred windows, shaped like shooting ports. Most likely one of its purposes was to serve as a fort to fend off attacks by Native Americans, although none ever materialized.

Erickson hired some 30 men, housed in an adjoining structure called the “menhouse.” (Seems like the boss may have had a good sense of humor.) There was also a humongous barn that housed up to 150 horses as well as a machinery shed said to have been as large as a city block. A feed mill and a blacksmith shop rounded out the buildings on the property. Over the years, other owners bought and used the property, but eventually all of the buildings fell into disrepair and were torn down, except for the family house.


So how did Karol find this place? “One of my passions has been to paint the world with flowers, which we’ve done on a couple of acres at our place in the city (and at many of our friends’ homes from the seemingly endless supply of plants from our garden). This passion has grown to include creating new varieties of daylilies. But in order to do that, we needed a place to install outdoor test beds for thousands of seedlings and construct a large greenhouse. We hoped to find about five acres with a small house where I could sleep and eat during hybridizing season. A building where Dick could store his hunting gear would be a bonus.”

“To our amazement, we stumbled onto the place we now call Springwood. It reminded us of Monet’s home at Giverny and we fell in love with its possibilities. Portions of the house were remodeled in the 80’s and 90’s, but much has been untouched. And the land has been neglected for decades. So, despite the fact that we’re at an age when most folks think of downsizing home and gardens, we’ve decided to wear ourselves out [she says with a smile] by spending the rest of our lives working on a project of epic proportions.”

“Why? Because it’s here. Because of its possibilities. Because we love working with our hands and with the earth. Because of the sense of adventure and excitement we feel when we’re at Springwood, and our desire to share that with others. Because we feel God has given us a work to do here . . .”


Karol’s goal is to produce cutting edge, northern hardy daylilies. They must perform well in Minnesota’s Zone 4 gardens as well as elsewhere, must be distinctive, must have beautiful, clear color or interesting patterns, and must “put a put a smile on your face when you look at them,” she says. She grows about 3,500 new seedlings each year and has registered 176. When it comes to naming her creations, she favors inspirational ones: ‘Achieving Dreams,’ ‘Faith that Moves Mountains,’ ‘Love Never Fails,’ ‘Peace Beyond Understanding,’ ‘Secret of Contentment,’ ‘Triumphal Procession,’ ‘World without End.’

There are slightly darker names, too: ‘Clash of Civilizations;’ ‘Blood, Sweat and Tears;’ ‘Cosmic Struggle;’ ‘Dark Night of the Soul.’


Karol is no stranger to adversity. As she works and basks in this Shangri-La of the North, she carries with her the results of a Lyme-Disease-related incident. Advised to get a shot for the disease because of deer in the area, she dutifully complied.

Something went horribly wrong. After the inoculation, she became so disabled that there were days when she couldn’t get out of bed. Her mind became so foggy that even turning on a light was beyond her ability. Gradually, she emerged from the fog, continuing to improve steadily. Today the only visible evidence of any disability is the golf cart in which she rides around Springwood. She can walk, but still has trouble with balance.

It is obvious to any visitor that none of this has diminished her winning smile and charming, kindly spirit.


Thumb of 2017-09-12/LarryR/998091
Entry gate from the parking area

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First beds encountered upon entry

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A closer look

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The greenhouse (6,000 sq. ft.) comes into view. Karol can work on her hybridizing year around, just like southern hybridizers.

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Beds sweep around the north side of the greenhouse with the beautiful countryside in the background.

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Another look

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Two beauties along the walkway

Karol's creations pop up here and there along the way:
Thumb of 2017-09-12/LarryR/b221ee
'Woman at the Well'

Thumb of 2017-09-12/LarryR/bc234a
'Ambassador of Peace'

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'Free the Captives'

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The path winds its way to the manor house.

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Lovingly restored to its former glory

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Custom made entry gate. Note the daylily in the center.

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All steps in the garden are marble. Note the great use of imposing local boulders.


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New addition at rear of manor

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Erstwhile "menhouse" converted to a carriage house and now a garage

The seedling beds:

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From right to left: Don Lovell, Nan Ripley, and the author.
Nan and Don are both distinguished hybridizers in Iowa.


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Gardener was the label imprinted on me when the souls were handed out and so be it. --Margaret Roach (Thank you, Sharon!) Notes from the Garden: Articles of interest on all aspects of gardening
Cottage-in-the-Meadow Gardens: Come on in and take the tour! Check out the photos!
Last edited by LarryR Sep 12, 2017 7:29 PM Icon for preview
Avatar for josieskid
Sep 12, 2017 3:59 AM CST
Name: Mary
Crown Point, Indiana (Zone 5b)
Wonderful! Thank you so much. I would love to go there.
I are sooooo smart!
Sep 12, 2017 6:31 AM CST
Name: Ginny G
Central Iowa (Zone 5a)
Plant Addict!!
Bee Lover Miniature Gardening Native Plants and Wildflowers Peonies Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Enjoys or suffers hot summers
Region: United States of America Vegetable Grower Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Lilies Irises Region: Iowa
Larry what a wonderful tribute to Karol Hurray! Hurray! I have several of her daylilies that I've added to my prayer garden and several others throughout the yard. They are a lot of my favorites. I've had several interactions with Karol when deciding what to order and she is amazing to work with. Her plants are beautiful and very hearty in my garden. I have more being ordered from her in spring and I HAVE to see her gardens Thumbs up Hurray! Thank You! Well done @LarryR I tip my hat to you.
Be a person that makes others feel special.
Sep 12, 2017 6:31 AM CST
Name: Valerie
Ontario, Canada (Zone 4a)
Bee Lover Ponds Peonies Irises Garden Art Dog Lover
Daylilies Cat Lover Region: Canadian Butterflies Birds Enjoys or suffers cold winters
What a wonderful spot! Thank you for such a great post, Larry, about an incredible couple pursuing a labour of love.
Touch_of_sky on the LA
Canada Zone 5a
Sep 12, 2017 6:55 AM CST
Name: Julie C
Roanoke, VA (Zone 7a)
Daylilies Garden Photography Region: Virginia Photo Contest Winner: 2015 Heucheras Cat Lover
Hummingbirder Clematis Lilies Birds Garden Art Butterflies
Great post on an amazing garden, hybridizer, and person! I've been lucky enough to visit Springwood a few times and it is all you say and more. I remember looking at the statuary, especially that one of the archangel Michael, and thinking," this puts all garden art I've ever seen in a different league." It is an overwhelming place to visit, to put it mildly. Karol remembered a seedling that I'd admired out of the thousands there when I first visited there in 2007, and when she decided not to register it a couple of years later, she sent it here.
Sep 12, 2017 7:08 AM CST
Name: Nancy
Bowling Green Kentucky (Zone 6b)
How very beautiful, I would love to visit. I don't really pay too much attention to hybridizer names when I get a new daylily, but I knew I had at least a couple. I checked & realized some of my favorites that have done quite well in my garden are Emmerich daylilies. What a nice article, so glad I read it.
Sep 12, 2017 8:03 AM CST
Name: Betty
MN zone 4b
Frogs and Toads Birds Hummingbirder Irises Lilies Peonies
Roses Garden Ideas: Level 1 Region: United States of America Hostas Garden Art Echinacea
Larry, this should be published in our regional news letter of which I am sure you know Iowa is included.

I will have to make a point to visit Karol's garden again as it looks like some changes have been made since my last visit. I remember the place before Karol bought it, they have brought it back to the grandeur of it's early days and improved upon it to the breathtaking beauty it is today.
If you want to be happy for a lifetime plant a garden!
Faith is the postage stamp on our prayers!
Betty MN Zone4 AHS member

Avatar for Sscape
Sep 12, 2017 9:20 AM CST
Name: Greg Bogard
Winston-Salem, NC (Zone 7a)
Thank You, Larry. I am a fan of Karol's work, and would love to make the trip up there to see her place in full bloom. You take great pictures! I like the way you balance the scenes and get the lighting right. If there are more pics---I am hungry for them.
Sep 12, 2017 9:32 AM CST
Name: Ginny G
Central Iowa (Zone 5a)
Plant Addict!!
Bee Lover Miniature Gardening Native Plants and Wildflowers Peonies Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Enjoys or suffers hot summers
Region: United States of America Vegetable Grower Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Lilies Irises Region: Iowa
I agree I agree I just counted and I have 15 of Karol's daylilies and adding more!
Be a person that makes others feel special.
Sep 12, 2017 12:59 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Larry Rettig
South Amana, IA (Zone 5a)
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge) Foliage Fan Cottage Gardener Tip Photographer Composter
Organic Gardener Charter ATP Member Garden Photography Houseplants Hybridizer Cat Lover
Thank you all for those kind words. I would love to see Karol's daylilies growing in an average gardener's beds like, for example, Stella D'oro, Purple D'oro, and the like. Many of her daylilies rebloom--even in the North--are bone hardy, and have good bud count and branching.

Karol has achieved an amazing uniformity in her program, where the scapes are very sturdy and the blooms are borne just above the foliage. You'll see this in some of my photos above. Nowhere in the beds do you see a daylily thrusting its scape and flowers above the others. Those gardeners who like to see taller scapes that sway in the breeze likely won't find them among Karol's offerings.
Gardener was the label imprinted on me when the souls were handed out and so be it. --Margaret Roach (Thank you, Sharon!) Notes from the Garden: Articles of interest on all aspects of gardening
Cottage-in-the-Meadow Gardens: Come on in and take the tour! Check out the photos!
Sep 12, 2017 2:05 PM CST
Name: Vicki
North Carolina
I helped beta test the Garden Planting Calendar I sent a postcard to Randy! Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Forum moderator Region: United States of America
Purslane Garden Art Region: North Carolina Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Garden Ideas: Master Level Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
Lovely article and photo's Larry - thank you! Thumbs up
NATIONAL GARDENING ASSOCIATION ~ Garden Art ~ Purslane & Portulaca ~
Avatar for mantisOH
Sep 12, 2017 5:50 PM CST
Athens, Ohio (Zone 6a)
Wall of Fire looks different in my garden:

Thumb of 2017-09-12/mantisOH/c69831

Your pic looks more like Fear Not.
Last edited by mantisOH Sep 12, 2017 5:52 PM Icon for preview
Sep 12, 2017 7:28 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Larry Rettig
South Amana, IA (Zone 5a)
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge) Foliage Fan Cottage Gardener Tip Photographer Composter
Organic Gardener Charter ATP Member Garden Photography Houseplants Hybridizer Cat Lover
Hi Mantis--We're both mistaken. I went back through all my slides and discovered the problem. It's 'Forever Redeemed' by J. Carpenter. My apology for the error. I've removed the slide from the article. Thanks for your sharp eye!
Gardener was the label imprinted on me when the souls were handed out and so be it. --Margaret Roach (Thank you, Sharon!) Notes from the Garden: Articles of interest on all aspects of gardening
Cottage-in-the-Meadow Gardens: Come on in and take the tour! Check out the photos!
Sep 12, 2017 7:58 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Larry Rettig
South Amana, IA (Zone 5a)
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge) Foliage Fan Cottage Gardener Tip Photographer Composter
Organic Gardener Charter ATP Member Garden Photography Houseplants Hybridizer Cat Lover
OK, Greg, here are a few more:

Thumb of 2017-09-13/LarryR/357e3f

Thumb of 2017-09-13/LarryR/7e646b

Thumb of 2017-09-13/LarryR/222b22

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Thumb of 2017-09-13/LarryR/41de67

Thumb of 2017-09-13/LarryR/9466e4

Thumb of 2017-09-13/LarryR/d84b7d
Gardener was the label imprinted on me when the souls were handed out and so be it. --Margaret Roach (Thank you, Sharon!) Notes from the Garden: Articles of interest on all aspects of gardening
Cottage-in-the-Meadow Gardens: Come on in and take the tour! Check out the photos!
Sep 12, 2017 8:08 PM CST
Name: Ginny G
Central Iowa (Zone 5a)
Plant Addict!!
Bee Lover Miniature Gardening Native Plants and Wildflowers Peonies Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Enjoys or suffers hot summers
Region: United States of America Vegetable Grower Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Lilies Irises Region: Iowa
I showed DH the pictures and said we're going next summer Drooling Drooling Drooling Hilarious!
Be a person that makes others feel special.
Sep 12, 2017 9:20 PM CST
Name: Vickie
southern Indiana (Zone 6b)
Bee Lover Garden Photography Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Daylilies Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Region: United States of America
Region: Indiana Garden Art Annuals Clematis Cottage Gardener Garden Ideas: Level 2
Great article, Larry! Love all tbe photos:)
May all your weeds be wildflowers. ~Author Unknown
Avatar for zepher13
Sep 13, 2017 6:53 AM CST
Name: Holly
Minneapolis, MN (Zone 4b)
Legalily said:I showed DH the pictures and said we're going next summer Drooling Drooling Drooling Hilarious!

I just did the same! She's so very close to us, we have no reason not to go.
Sep 13, 2017 7:12 AM CST
Name: Ginny G
Central Iowa (Zone 5a)
Plant Addict!!
Bee Lover Miniature Gardening Native Plants and Wildflowers Peonies Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Enjoys or suffers hot summers
Region: United States of America Vegetable Grower Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Lilies Irises Region: Iowa
Some of my favorite Emmerich daylilies this summer
Handwriting on the Wall

Magnify the Lord
Thumb of 2017-09-13/Legalily/38f588
Woman at the Well

Thumb of 2017-09-13/Legalily/c4e7bc
Child of Bethlehem

Eye on the Sparrow
Be a person that makes others feel special.
Sep 13, 2017 4:26 PM CST
Name: Debra
Nashville, TN (Zone 7a)
Butterflies Cat Lover Daylilies Seed Starter Region: Tennessee
I enjoyed your article and the photos!
Sep 13, 2017 7:38 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Larry Rettig
South Amana, IA (Zone 5a)
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge) Foliage Fan Cottage Gardener Tip Photographer Composter
Organic Gardener Charter ATP Member Garden Photography Houseplants Hybridizer Cat Lover
Legalily said:I showed DH the pictures and said we're going next summer Drooling Drooling Drooling Hilarious!

Rolling on the floor laughing
Gardener was the label imprinted on me when the souls were handed out and so be it. --Margaret Roach (Thank you, Sharon!) Notes from the Garden: Articles of interest on all aspects of gardening
Cottage-in-the-Meadow Gardens: Come on in and take the tour! Check out the photos!

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  • Started by: LarryR
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