Viewing post #1276219 by EdBurton

You are viewing a single post made by EdBurton in the thread called seeds from the LA.
Sep 18, 2016 11:19 PM CST
Name: Ed Burton
East Central Wisconsin (Zone 5a)
Hybridizing, Lily Auction seed sell
Birds Vegetable Grower Tomato Heads Seed Starter Pollen collector Peonies
Hybridizer Hummingbirder Hostas Daylilies I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Garden Photography
Pam yes it is, I will have lots of seeds from it as mostly pollen parent, but there will be some on the pod side also
The seedling is F-71 (Sandi Jacques x Angelique Fringes) very thick scape, 6 inch bloom, 44 inch scape to top Y, maiden bloom year 2016

Two pictures first was maiden bloom, second was from a few weeks later

Thumb of 2016-09-19/EdBurton/3c154b

Thumb of 2016-09-19/EdBurton/6a1f54
Ed Burton

seed seller "gramps"

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