Viewing post #1312222 by webesemps

You are viewing a single post made by webesemps in the thread called Heuffelii - love 'em or leave 'em?.
Nov 3, 2016 8:46 PM CST
Name: Bev
Salem OR (Zone 8a)
Container Gardener Foliage Fan Sempervivums Photo Contest Winner: 2014 Garden Ideas: Master Level
I'm not usually a fan of them as I don't particularly like Semps that have that mounding habit. That said, I did purchase a few from Mt. Crest for their color after seeing the consistent and eye-catching coloration of 'Apache'.
Yes, it would be worth a try to companion them with Sedum to add a little geometric flavor to the groupings of both.
Last edited by webesemps Nov 3, 2016 8:57 PM Icon for preview

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