Viewing Bubbles's bookmarked pages

the idea "Hosta Light Requirement Tidbits"
post #651551 in "Cloth and Cement"
post #664510 in "Cloth and Cement"
post #662980 in "Cloth and Cement"
post #661654 in "Cloth and Cement"
post #660533 in "Cloth and Cement"
post #659674 in "Cloth and Cement"
post #657220 in "Cloth and Cement"
post #656325 in "Cloth and Cement"
post #650783 in "Cloth and Cement"
post #700508 in "Cloth and Cement"
post #650549 in "Cloth and Cement"
post #649973 in "Cloth and Cement"
post #800539 in "A Few Problems in the Details"
post #796678 in "texas weather"
post #768250 in "Bugs in potting mix"
post #783292 in "First Greenhouse"
post #769799 in "First Greenhouse"
post #700230 in "Cloth and Cement"
post #700733 in "Cloth and Cement"
post #777391 in "Daylily search and Control+F"
post #917520 in "Pics of your favorite EEs!"
post #388615 in "Lack of sulfur? Something to think about"
post #906093 in "Black leaved Colocasia"
post #921121 in "Tagging Multi-Plant Photos just got a lot easier"
post #920669 in "Tagging Multi-Plant Photos just got a lot easier"
post #919181 in "Unknown object"
post #919083 in "Unknown object"
post #452770 in "Can Anyone Have More Than Two Ears??? As In Alocasia and Colocasia, I Mean..."
post #916648 in "Announcing Local Reports!"
post #700902 in "Cloth and Cement"
post #912354 in "some other tips..."
post #912920 in "Let's talk about elephant ears!"
post #910394 in "Worst gardening tool??"
post #421731 in "How to tell odora from calidora from macrorrhizos..."
post #891997 in "Pumpkin Dilemma"
post #854110 in "Korean rock fern"
post #816553 in "Seedlings"
post #813986 in "Seedlings"
post #769778 in "First Greenhouse"
post #758570 in "Chatter ~ We love to talk!"
post #979695 in "Moving forward with the seed swap feature"
post #406764 in "Cycads Pot Mix"
post #490515 in "Growing tropicals in the north"
post #486035 in "Philodendron maximum"
post #409335 in "Hoyas"
post #484734 in "Well water is not well received"
post #429673 in "Ever Clear and Poison Ivy"
post #419187 in "How to tell odora from calidora from macrorrhizos..."
post #418882 in "Harvesting garlic"
post #140647 in "The site tip BB codes"
post #180420 in "Trade Name is not a cultivar name."
post #397141 in "Cycads Pot Mix"
post #369151 in "The Uberlist of Araceae - 10Jan2012"
post #348696 in "gnats and how I kill them"
post #346082 in "More info for garden companies."
post #332701 in "Growing Citrus Trees"
post #288064 in "Sauromatum venosum"
post #162332 in "Sources for scientific names and reliable information."
post #490675 in "What happened here?"
post #495262 in "Alocasia hypnosa has been reclassified as Englerarum hypnosum"
post #759695 in "Something COLD is coming next week!! 11/10/14"
post #275112 in "I Hate Knock Out Roses"
post #752971 in "Largest blooms Brugmansia?"
post #728029 in "Looking for the Rain"
post #691499 in "Growing tropicals in the north"
post #662128 in "Unusual dogwood"
post #446049 in "Custom menu bar links"
post #635385 in "Weed block and mulch"
post #634647 in "Weed block and mulch"
post #420879 in "Announcing the Image Sets feature"
post #496193 in "Can anyone ID this?"
post #501203 in "Multi-Plant Photos"
post #508734 in "Status update on the site"
post #506233 in "Colocasia - Growing Indoors"
post #296864 in "Our Compost Bin"
post #508126 in "Status update on the site"
post #503193 in "Hypertufa project - FINISHED!"
post #500930 in "Hypertufa project - FINISHED!"
post #446122 in "Custom menu bar links"
post #388540 in "Lack of sulfur? Something to think about"
post #162837 in "Passiflora ID"
post #1736662 in "I am a refugee rose addict looking for a home"
post #1585046 in "Monstera deliciosa yellowing"
the idea "Making a Backdrop for Indoor Plant Photos"
the idea "Properly Storing an Extension Cord"
the idea "More Spigots Equal Easier Watering"
post #1794942 in "After rain, return of CHIGGERS!"
post #1677419 in "Can I email someone garden pics to upload for me?"
the idea "More Than Just a Sea of Green"
the plant Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Waltz Across Texas')
post #1533397 in "My Caffeinated Garden and other tidbits"
the idea " How To Get Indoor Amaryllis/Hippeastrum To Bloom"
post #1529096 in "My Caffeinated Garden and other tidbits"
post #1529553 in "my 2nd attempt pineapple"
post #1529441 in "Solving this Crinum..."
post #1526334 in "Iris - plant now or wait till fall?"
post #1376768 in "Mason Jar sprouting method and Stratification"
post #1376759 in "Mason Jar sprouting method and Stratification"
post #1426823 in "How to separate Musa basjoo banana tree?"
the idea "The Complete Guide to Seed Saving: An Article Containing Every Bit of Information That Could Possibly Be Useful"
the idea " Spring Mulching Made Easier"
post #1391674 in "Vriesea espinosae"
post #1834990 in "Wanted Variegated monstera cutting"
post #2158061 in "OK, I know I am ungrateful wretch but..."
an article: Cold-Hardy Clumping Bamboos
post #2138070 in "Where to buy? Easy beginner varieties?"
post #2099233 in "Natural pots"
post #2078022 in "What is blooming for you right now?"
post #2053109 in "Tillandsias"
the idea "What To Do After Spring Bulbs Have Bloomed"
post #1886955 in "DON'T THROW IT AWAY! Recycled art"
the idea "Better Than Snowballs"
post #1878289 in "Graham Stuart Thomas masterpiece - Mottisfont Abbey in Hampshire"
the idea "All About Clematis"
the idea "Big Balls of Colour"
the idea "How and Why to Prune Clematis"
the idea "Macro Hack for Photographing Your Blooms"
the idea "An Explanation of Rose Shapes and Types"
the idea "Making Multi-Plant Images"
post #1392315 in "Bromeliads"
post #992043 in "Hanging caged Epip's"
post #1257834 in "Sansevieria, greatest house plants alive!!"
post #1195000 in "Calculating ppm mathematically"
post #1066357 in "Preparing for a plant swap"
post #1195583 in "Early Bloomers - Good Grief"
post #1020160 in "Staghorn fern spores"
post #1065811 in "Spring Is Just Around the Corner, Right?"
post #467347 in "Micro-sprinkler watering system"
post #467191 in "Micro-sprinkler watering system"
post #1195274 in "Let's talk about elephant ears!"
post #300610 in "Preparing for a plant swap"
post #1108370 in "Systemic insecticide..."
post #1171279 in "Sad Thread 2016"
post #1022010 in "Bromeliads"
post #1007453 in "Does anyone have outdoor planters that look like heads"
post #1195264 in "Let's talk about elephant ears!"
post #1296238 in "Privacy Tree / shrubs"
post #1195796 in "Bromeliads"
post #1195300 in "Let's talk about elephant ears!"
post #1060865 in "Bromeliad, Aechmea fasciata"
post #991413 in "EE or caladium?"
post #1292823 in "September 2016 website redesign is complete!"
post #1028181 in "Oh my....what have I done?"
post #1255980 in "Either of these ok to use as container/miniature garden?"
post #1243565 in "Microwaving Pollen & Seeds from Midnight Marvel!"
post #1247454 in "Final Sale of the Caladium Season"
post #1157271 in "Need ID for this Alocasia"
post #1240830 in "Utilizing UV Light to Identify Garden Pests-An Observation"
post #1052356 in "Oh my....what have I done?"
post #1025031 in "Ensete experimentation"
post #1241712 in "Ants"
post #1037581 in "Happy New Years !!"
post #1041047 in "Palm Arboretum"
post #1239743 in "Suggestions pollinating Alocasia odora, recognizing changes in female flowers?"
post #1201912 in "Butterflies"
post #1195356 in "Let's talk about elephant ears!"
post #1193803 in "Bromeliads"
post #239371 in "Alocasia plumbea now A. macrorrhizos?"
post #109248 in "Elephant Ears-Colocasia, Alocasia, Xanthosoma and Caladium"
post #419404 in "Such a nice Jewish boy..."
post #628311 in "Building up a few containers"
post #602234 in "Roundup ready Alfalfa??"
post #269932 in "Scientist Discovers New Stinky Flower Species"
post #271230 in "Scientist Discovers New Stinky Flower Species"
post #625416 in "Super fast little ant"
post #425182 in "My photos are showing up in othe people's post"
post #501032 in "Potting Soil for Aroids"
post #450100 in "Help with amorphophallus paeonifolius!"
the idea "Little Known Facts About ATP"
post #242473 in "Banner changes"
post #163392 in "Loving the look of the whole front page!"
post #532484 in "Chatter ~ We love to talk!"
post #447613 in "Skeeter control: show me yours"
post #313024 in "Beautyberry Jelly"
post #288982 in "Blue impatiens and true blue flowers"
post #201076 in "Elephant Ears-Colocasia, Alocasia, Xanthosoma and Caladium"
post #622188 in "Bromeliads"
post #181587 in "Inca Sun and Inca Gold"
post #332932 in "Strange arrowhead (triangle shaped) caladium or? ID?"
post #648764 in "Behold! Caladium Pollen"
post #649775 in "Behold! Caladium Pollen"
post #216551 in "Canna Seedling"
post #532240 in "China Plate Stepping Stones"
post #204616 in "Chatter ~ We love to talk!"
post #645379 in "Clematis cuttings"
post #185763 in "Clematis (Clematis viticella 'Aotearoa') (?)"
post #564075 in "There Be Goldfish!"
post #339841 in "Here is a bit of garden art I could use"
post #490663 in "Daisies on a bush?"
post #850284 in "Zantedeschia aethopica"
post #525744 in "Family of 4 needs home in zone 9 or higher"
post #339706 in "What is wrong with my Alocasia?"
post #339187 in "Dixondale Farm article"
post #192664 in "DIY Heat Mat"
post #491961 in "Dragon Fruit"
post #95556 in "The Ultimate Resource for Seed Collectors"
post #416388 in "Referencing a plant in a thread, article, etc."
post #524252 in "Elephant Ears-Colocasia, Alocasia, Xanthosoma and Caladium"
post #690092 in "Thought I'd ask here ..."
post #377501 in "aloe x haworthia"
post #989404 in "Welcome to the Epiphyllums forum!"
post #352551 in "besides atp & dg"
post #531696 in ""Whats going on in David of DeLands containers?""
post #269078 in "Caladium sun vs. shade"
post #375830 in "Hello Aroiders"
post #268597 in "Caladium sun vs. shade"
post #200469 in "Chatter ~ We love to talk!"
post #524548 in "Cannas"
post #516158 in "Garlic Database"
post #493444 in "garlic"
post #562962 in "There Be Goldfish!"
post #201080 in "My glass ball is broken"
post #603296 in "Harbor Freight Greenhouse projects"
post #513260 in "Greenhouse on the Brain"
post #536405 in "Why a Greenhouse?"
post #536197 in "Benches"
post #651694 in "Start Saving Your Soda/Beer Cans! Soda/Beer Can Heater for A Greenhouse"
post #224513 in "Greenhouse space saver"
post #237196 in "ideas for container lettuce etc."
post #187365 in "H2O2 will also help strengthen your seedlings against damping off..."
post #205940 in "New hardiness zone map"
the idea "Hardwood Cuttings: Tips and Tricks"
post #196748 in "Just getting started there a "Help" area ?"
post #295612 in "Hibiscus"
post #183336 in "Very good!!!"
post #173392 in "How do we submit banner pics?"
post #170853 in "Do we have a Video Library?"
post #536141 in "Nice enhancements to the Ideas feature"
post #423466 in "Announcing the Image Sets feature"
post #337010 in "Fascinating,"
post #621477 in "Heavenly!"
post #4993 in "How to Construct a Temporary Greenhouse"
post #4994 in "How to Construct a Temporary Greenhouse"
post #635360 in "I Hate Knock Out Roses"
post #224682 in "Food Compass - "Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food""
post #589649 in "fertilizer"
post #323565 in "No Pomegranates for Us, Assasin Bugs Take Over"
post #602018 in "Some updates to the Lists feature"
post #162664 in "Maple Leaf Roses"
post #489425 in "How to grow plants in Miniature Containers"
the idea "Moisture Crystals and Water-Loving Plants in Ground"
post #510171 in "Photo of Monstera deliciosa NOT split-leaf Philodendron"
post #451153 in "Skeeter control: show me yours"
post #596145 in "Mounting Broms in Trees"
post #604258 in "Moving MRI Images of vegetables"
post #292477 in "I think this will bloom tonight."
post #489702 in "Ideas"
post #317099 in "I need help about growing onions in Texas"
post #314541 in "I need help about growing onions in Texas"
post #199402 in "Tropical eye candy"
post #528796 in "A panther in Texas? Or maybe a Black Cougar or Jaguar."
post #220202 in "Concrete Leaves Tutorial"
post #187557 in "Good sources for perennials"
post #185367 in "Good sources for perennials"
post #185595 in "Good sources for perennials"
post #21713 in "Petunias from seed"
post #380441 in "Elephant Ears-Colocasia, Alocasia, Xanthosoma and Caladium"
post #497346 in "companion plants"
post #492389 in "How do I use other people's plant lists for trading?"
post #516105 in "Plumeria Pudica"
post #174461 in "After Irene and before O'l Man Winter"
the idea "Quick Tip: Stop Sweat in Your Eyes"
post #177127 in "Rainwater Collection"
post #454427 in "Need to find a retailer"
post #219767 in "Show us your Wind Chimes!"
post #450600 in "Help with amorphophallus paeonifolius!"
post #350261 in "A bit of garden sculpture"
post #378711 in "Fat cuttings"
post #363589 in "Dehydrated cuttings"
the idea "Stress-Free Rose Pruning"
post #145966 in "Satellite Dish Gazebo"
post #443700 in "Need an ID"
post #19459 in "The Ultimate Resource for Seed Collectors"
post #419990 in "The wormkiller blooms again!"
post #630977 in "Bromeliads"
post #134262 in "getting rid of slug & snail (really) without chemicals"
post #546321 in "Bug season all ready"
post #549964 in "Solar Covering Over Our Greenhouses"
post #548229 in "ATP Podcast"
post #414761 in "Help, please? Troubles with Damien"
post #637282 in "bugs!!"
post #487271 in "I Am In Tears!!"
post #517741 in "How to paint/decoate old windows to look like stained glass"
post #515937 in "About the stars"
post #372538 in "need advice"
post #340366 in "Chilly Weather"
post #344804 in "this might garden art for the home"
post #379242 in "Creative Ideas for Garden Art"
post #183083 in "yum!"
post #167824 in "I want this table!!!"
post #641414 in "Favorite tropicals for that tropical feel?"
post #806757 in "Need Cheap Plant Stand Ideas"
post #563220 in "Hummer season 2014"
post #177983 in "Trade Name is not a cultivar name."
post #311715 in "Google Chrome kicks me out"
post #395369 in "Rant about pots"
post #223657 in "Show Us What You're Working On"
post #212739 in "This drought"
post #360008 in "Proposing new feature: "How does your garden grow?" Profile item"
post #189510 in "Christmas Gift Ideas for the Gardener???"
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