glengarry23's blog: 19th April 2015.

Posted on Apr 18, 2015 8:00 PM

Another very warm day today with not a cloud to be seen,..Terns screeching on my left and Crows cawing to my right,..Swans flying over the house and a Blackbird singing his heart out,..i enjoyed this for at least half an hour then got restless and started moving containers around as if it were a chess game,..i think i have finished moving containers around for this month lol.

The containers placed on what was a pathway.

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Erysimum coming along well.

Thumb of 2015-04-19/glengarry23/762cca

My blind cat getting in the way,"Blind Pew",..finds his way around no problem.

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Pulmonaria officinalis,'Lungworth'.

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Aquilegia just about ready to bloom.

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Day Lilies growing at a rapid rate.

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Mahonia japonica showing it fruits today.

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How it looked back in November,..the flowers have a scent like Lily-Of-The-Valley,..the fruits are edible though not much flesh on them.

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Fruits when ripe, July.

Thumb of 2015-04-19/glengarry23/94846a


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Containers by LysmachiaMoon Apr 23, 2015 4:26 PM 7

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