Totally_Amazing's blog: My iris hybridizing progress

Posted on Jul 17, 2017 7:33 PM

In spring 2013, I tried my hand at iris hybridizing. After several attempts to get an iris pregnant, I finally saw my first seed pod starting to develop. The successful cross was "Birthday Surprise" x "Set To Music" done on 6th November 2013.
Thumb of 2017-07-18/Totally_Amazing/80fa58 x Thumb of 2017-07-18/Totally_Amazing/570534
11 days after pollination
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16 days after pollination
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My seed pod turned brown and cracked open on 25 Jan 2014. I collected 10 seeds, let them dry for 2 or 3 days and then planted them directly into a pot.
Between 20th Feb and 2nd Sept 2014 nine of my ten seedlings emerged.
24th March 2014
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4th June 2014
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3rd October 2014
Thumb of 2017-07-18/Totally_Amazing/c74198
The first of my seedlings to grow was ready to be planted out but the youngest was still very tiny so I did not plant any of them in the ground until 18th February 2015 after the hottest part of summer.
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The following spring my iris hybrids were growing well but still smaller than my other flowering irises
18th October 2015
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21st October 2015
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The following winter when the irises are just starting to come out of dormancy, I noticed some offsets on my number 1 and 3 seedlings. Seedling number 4 is proving to be a very slow performer.
4th August 2016 (view from both sides)
Thumb of 2017-07-18/Totally_Amazing/d17086 Thumb of 2017-07-18/Totally_Amazing/0ca009
By 29th September, a couple of my hybrids looked mature enough to flower.
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By 21st November there was still no sign of a bud. I knew I would have to wait another year.
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By the following winter my two biggest hybrids have several increases.
27th June 2017 - Seedling number 1
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27th June 2017 - Seedling number 3
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27th June 2017 - Seedling number 2
Thumb of 2017-07-18/Totally_Amazing/6e1b9a
There are still no increases on seedlings 4 to 9. How many years are they going to take to flower?
4th June 2017
Thumb of 2017-07-18/Totally_Amazing/d09fc2


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Iris hybridization by LysmachiaMoon Jul 28, 2017 4:47 PM 4

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