NoelCalvert's blog: How I ended up in Colombia!

Posted on Dec 9, 2012 9:21 PM

<p>Hello again Everyone,<br />I made my own luck with this move to Colombia.  Not everyone will have this kind of life changing opportunity, so I am totally with you on the sharing of photos & stories.  Let me start with the story that brought me here in the first place.  This is rather long winded, & has very little to do with plants, but bear with me.  <br /><br />I ended up marrying a woman in the United States in 2008, but that marriage was a nightmare.  I spent most of the time I was married to her defending the United States in Iraq.  After ending that relationship, I did a couple years of soul-searching to figure out what I really want out of life.  I found that I wanted a simple life with a wife who shares my passion for a simple life with old fashioned values, & my passion for nature.  At 35 years old, I figured I had searched the United States for this type of woman for long enough, so I began another search.<br /><br />I have always adored Latin women, & I have always wanted to live in the rainforest.  I performed a search for Latin women on the internet, & everything I saw made me gravitate towards Colombia.  The women are incredible in many ways even beyond beauty.  I joined a site called Colombiancupids (not recommended), & began my search.  After about 3 months I encountered a woman whom I thought was perfect, & went to see her after another 3 months of communication.  We ended up dating for about 2 years altogether with me coming to Bogota to visit 3 times for about 3 months total.  I will not go into all the things that went wrong with that relationship, but I still loved Colombia.  <br /><br />After a little more searching on a free site , I encountered Jessy (my wife pictured in my profile photo with me), & we began communicating.  I took a little more caution with her.  After about 3 months, I moved to Tumaco Colombia, & lived here with her since then.  We got married on November 2nd.  So now I have 2 of the 4 things on my lifetime dream list.  I live on a tropical island within a few miles of the tropical jungle, & I have a devoted, beautiful, intelligent, Latin woman who is my partner in life.  This is the end to this story, & the beginning of an even more beautiful story!  <br /><br /><br /><br /></p>


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Colombiancupids. by KAMasud Dec 18, 2012 9:01 PM 0

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