Gardening Knowledgebase: Shrubs

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Rotted or dehydrated plumeria? Salvageable? Luvfragrantflorist of San Diego, CA
What is this bush & where are it's Seeds? puck88816 of South New Jersey
When is the earliest month I can transplant a Beautyberry in Maryland ? idreos of Marylan
What kind of shrub is this? DebW84 of Nashville, TN - Southeast Region
When is best time of year in Maryland to apply/renew mulch to landscaped beds? idreos of Marylan
How to trim Japanese Aralia Adamallica of Murrieta, CA
Leylandia first aid Marybea of DC
Why are my evergreen bushes seemingly dead in the middle? rb6banjo of Missouri
Can I store pampas seeds ? Baresalot of Chesapeake,virginia
Landscape ideas please/Florida yard Rinahen of Fort Myers, Florida
Plants and vegetables to grow in Crete, Greece upthecrete of Crete Greece
What is my plant UsernameIsWhat of Southern California
getting rid of a stubborn trumpet vine hjarvis of Buffalo, NY
Does anyone know what type of tree or shrub this is? txtough627 of Atlanta, Tx
replanting 15 gallon photinias that were planted wrong 3 months ago versakos of Moraga, CA
Datura Stramonium, how much should I trim it for winter? Doctor_Greenthumb of Midland, Texas (Zone 7b)
Supporting a large hydrangea BobbieinNEPenna of Jersey Shore PA (Zone 5a)
Transplanting perennials/boxwoods. remcmfa of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
my fern was cut, roots taken too, can I hope it will regrow from spores? journalistmena of Italy
variegated agave plant showing soft leaves roncal of Fallbrook, Calif

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