crepe myrtles - Knowledgebase Question

Longwood, Fl
Avatar for judysimms
Question by judysimms
June 30, 2010
I see crepe myrtles in my neighborhood loaded with blooms, but mine are not flowering as well. Is there something I can do in the future to encourage my crepe myrtles to produce flowers?

Answer from NGA
June 30, 2010
Crepe myrtles flower on the new growth of the season so pruning in April should produce flowers and pruning again when the flowers are spent should provide a second flush of blooms. You didn't say how old your tree is - perhaps it's younger than the others in the neighborhood? If so, patience may be all that is needed. If not, try pruning it back a bit to see if that doesn't prompt new growth and flowers. Hope it does!

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