What is the best way to elimate beetles on rose bushes? They are taking over the flowers. |
It often takes a two-pronged approach to control Japanese Beetles. You are seeing the adults which were grubs in your lawn and garden earlier this year. So, you'll want to control both the adults you're seeing now, and any grubs that may overwinter in your soil. Milky spore, Bacillus popilliae, is a disease-causing bacterium that is effective against grubs of Japanese beetles. Be sure to apply according to label directions. Carbaryl (Sevin 50WP) will control the adults but I prefer to use something a little less powerful. Try neem oil (Bonide Bon-Neem or Green Light Neem Concentrate) or cyfluthrin (Bayer Advanced Garden Power Force Multi-Insect Killer Concentrate) or permethrin (Spectracide Bug Stop Multi-Purpose Insect Control Concentrate) are labeled for use against Japanese beetles on roses. As with all pesticides, read and follow all label instructions and precautions. |