Japanese Maple Growth - Knowledgebase Question

Smithville, MO
Avatar for comerfrd
Question by comerfrd
January 25, 1999
I have 3 to 4 year Japanese maple tree. It is in sun most of the day, but it has not grown much since being planted. It is about 3' tall now. I have muched it and used tree spikes to fertilize each year. The mulch is in a circle approximately at the drip line. What can I do to speed the growth?

Answer from NGA
January 25, 1999
Japanese Maples are slow growing trees with a maximum height of 20' at maturity. You can expect normal growth of 5"-6" inches per year. Many Japanese Maples are used as container plants, and they are a favorite bonsai subject because they are so slow growing. There isn't much you can do to make the tree grow faster, and if you overfertilize, the resulting rapid growth will be spindly and weak.

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