For the first time 2 of my usual ground covers florished and suddenly are turning brown & dying. It is happening in different areas.How can I stop this or what can I do to restore? Why is this happening this year? Any advice appreciated. Thanks, Sue |
It would really be helpful if you can identify the groundcover. Some plants are susceptible to fungal diseases and others are not. Without knowing what you're growing, we can't tell whether it is common with that particular plant. But, spotty areas lead us to believe it's a fungus. Or, dog urine can burn certain groundcovers so you might be dealing with a new dog in the neighborhood. Submit another question with the name of your groundcover, what sun or shade exposure it gets and whether or not you've fertilized lately. Also check the plants on the perimeter of the dead areas. Look for black or rusty or white spots on the foliage and leaves and also check the stems and roots for indications of insect or disease problems. Best wishes with your groundcover. |