Killing garden Grubs - Knowledgebase Question

Madison Heights, Mi
Avatar for tracyprimmer
Question by tracyprimmer
August 11, 2010
I found grubs inside my cherry peppers that are still on the vine. How do I get rid of them and not harm my garden with chemicals?

Answer from NGA
August 11, 2010
What you describe are probably fruit worms, not grubs. (Grubs are usually in the soil, not in peppers.) European corn borer larvae when very small penetrate peppers, usually near the calyx at the top of the fruit. The small worm then feeds and grows undetected inside the pepper, eventually causing the fruit to rot. This pest can be a problem in peppers in late July and early August. Various natural enemies provide some control, attacking both the egg and the young larvae during the brief time it is exposed prior to entering the pepper. The use of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) can control the pests but must be applied early in the season (in June). Your peppers are still edible, just cut them open and remove the worms and the damage they have caused.

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