Fuchsia Care - Knowledgebase Question

Avatar for nemosar
Question by nemosar
February 23, 1999
I have a 1 year old fuschia plant that I brought in this winter. When I brought it in, it lost all of its leaves. But eventually it grew back and is now really long looking. It has flowered a few times, but not like it did last summer. You can tell the new growth from the old as it is green and the old is brown. Stems are really long and ugly looking. Please help get my beautiful fuschia back.

Answer from NGA
February 23, 1999
Fuchsias are very tender plants so it's good you took yours indoors, but the low light conditions and warm, dry air indoors probably caused the leaves to fall off. Now that your plant is putting on new growth, you can pinch it back to make it bushy and to encourage new flower buds. You can cut the leggy stems all the way back to the edges of the pot without harming the fuchsia. Wherever you cut a stem you can expect two new stems to develop. If you pinch it back regularly it will reward you with new flowering stems all spring and summer long. Next fall cut the old stems back to the edges of the pot. When new growth begins, pinch it back to encourage a bushy growth habit and lots of summer blooms.

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