Changing a Bermuda Lawn to Centipede - Knowledgebase Question

Avondale Estates, GA
Avatar for hinduinstyle
Question by hinduinstyle
April 11, 1999
I have an Bermuda grass front yard and a centipede back yard. I find it easier to take care of the centipede
and am interested in changing the bermuda grass in front to a centipede lawn. Do you recomend seeding or sodding? And, should I till the area?

Answer from NGA
April 11, 1999
Bermuda is much more invasive than centipede. Therefore you must erradicate the bermuda before planting centipede seed, plugs or sod. The best way to do this is to spray the bermuda with a product containing glyphosate (such as Roundup).

Wait 5 days and then rototill the area. Water it well and allow it to resprout. This is to get any "escape" bermuda and other weeds to sprout and grow. Spray it again to get the rest of the weeds. Wait a week and then plant the centipede. I suggest you plant sod as that gives the fastest establishment. Seeding is certainly another option and would be less expensive.

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