Cut and come again lettuce and herbs - Knowledgebase Question

Moncton, NB
Avatar for nthowlett
Question by nthowlett
April 13, 1999
I was wondering which herbs and lettuces can be "cut and come again" under ideal conditions. Would it be more efficient to just sow (or use cuttings) every couple of weeks (in terms of yield, expense, time and effort).I am going to try to grow for a large family and neighbours in a heated greenhouse, if that helps your answer any.

Answer from NGA
April 13, 1999
The answer to your question is very complex and will depend on more factors than I can go into quickly here. You will probably learn as much from trial and error (and good record keeping) as from research because every green house is different in aspect and microclimate and management -- and no tow seasons are identical! However, lettuce and spinach for instance are cool season crops and will "bolt" in time depending on temperature and on maturity of the plant. Heat tolerant (and heat demanding) plants such as basil can be harvested several times but will also exhaust themselves and require replanting eventually. Lettuce and other greens are started from seed, as are most of the cut and come again herbs such as chives and parsley. Mint would be an exception to this -- it is started by division to ensure varietal purity. Good luck with your project!

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