Indoor Flowering Quince - Knowledgebase Question

Frederick, MD
Avatar for dqnguyen
Question by dqnguyen
April 29, 1999
Recently I bought an indoor flowering Quince at a flower show, I would like to know how to take care of it indoor.

Answer from NGA
April 29, 1999
Unfortunately I am not familiar with a quince specifically for indoors, however it is possible that your plant is a variety used for bonsai and could thus be termed an "indoor" plant. Since quince are generally large shrubs and require a winter chilling period in order to bloom, you will need to follow some very specialized care techniques. If the seller is unable to provide you with care suggestions, you might wish to look at a book on the general care of bonsais to see if you can meet the plant's cultural needs. You might also contact the American Bonsai Society, c/o Patricia DeGroot, P.O. Box 1136, Puyallup, WA 98371-1136, (206) 841-8992; web site: They have several publications available to help you learn to care for a hardy plant kept primarily indoors. Good luck with your quince!

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