Upside Down Tomato - Knowledgebase Question

Pocahontas, IL
Avatar for pie52
Question by pie52
May 9, 1999
I once saw a program of how to grow tomatos in a hanging pot with the tomato plant growing out of the bottom. I wanted to try it but do not remember how the soil in the pot, and the pot itself was prepared for proper drainage. Any help would be appreciated.

Answer from NGA
May 9, 1999
Well, I don't know if there is a scientific way of doing this, but I can tell you how I do it. I simply take a plastic container (one of the cheapie ones, you know, the white kind with the hanger already attached, and drainage holes pre-drilled) and use a box cutter to cut a hole in the center of the bottom of the pot big enough for the tomato plant to be pushed through and a little more for growth. Then, I remove the tomato plant from it's cell pack (or whatever) and push the foliage/stem (top part of the plant) through the inside of the pot to the outside so it is hanging out of the bottom and the rootball is inside the pot. Then, I fill the pot with a mix of potting soil and compost. Hang it up in a full sun spot, care for normally (water regularly, fertilize, etc.). I have had a lot of success with this strange method of growing tomatoes.

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