Thriving Iberis - Knowledgebase Question

Pettigrew, AR
Avatar for RandyRoooo
Question by RandyRoooo
May 16, 1999
What conditions are required to make my Iberis thrive?

Answer from NGA
May 16, 1999
There's an annual Iberis and a perennial Iberis. They're both easy to care for. The annual, called Globe Candy Tuft, likes full sun with afternoon shade in hot areas, ordinary, well draining soil and regular watering. If you cut back the faded flowers, the plants might reward you with a second flush of bloom. Perennial Candy Tuft likes sun to part shade, rich, well-draining soil, and regular water. Trim these plants back after blooming to keep them looking tidy. Both plants will bloom in the spring. Annual types produce flowers that are white, pink, purple or red. Perennial types generally bloom only in white.

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