I'm looking for growing tips on Osteospermum fruitcosum, the trailing African Daisy. |
Trailing African Daisy is also known as the Freeway Daisy on the West Coast because it grows well under extreme conditions, without much care at all, and runs rampant along the freeway corridors in California. The plant has a spreading habit and each of the stems will root where it touches the soil. A single rooted cutting will cover a circle 2'-4' across in a single year, growing 8"-12" tall. The plants produce flower heads 2" across, in brilliant color the first day it opens, fading to a lighter color the second day. Give your plants full sunshine, well draining soil, and little water during the summer months. In your region Ostenospermum fruiticosum will be an annual plant, but you can save seeds for planting next spring. |