I have a mulberry tree that has two limbs that have bagworm infestation. What do you recommend to eliminate the current infestation and to eliminate future infestations? |
What you most likely are seeing is webworms. Bagworms form small elongated ?bags? about the size of your little finger or smaller. These bags, camouflaged with debris from the plants, are usually are found on evergreens, such as junipers. Web worms on the other hand for large loose web structures in the branches of trees. They absolutely love mulberry and are also fond of pecan as well as several other tree species. The simplest way to deal with webworms is to take a long pole and destroy their protective webs. Repeat this every time you see that they have built more webbing. Without the protection, they are sitting duck for paper wasps and other predators. An effective, organic spray option is to apply a spray containing B.t. to the leaves after disturbing the webs. B.t. is sold under many brand names including Dipel and Thuricide, and is most effective on young caterpillars. When they eat the leaves sprayed with B.t. the caterpillars will soon get sick, stop eating and die. |