Uprooted Pine Trees - Knowledgebase Question

acton, CA
Avatar for tpeck6
Question by tpeck6
May 27, 1999
My pine has been uprooted twice by the wind. It has never become really green. I am watering it daily, I have given it B vitamins and it is staked well into the ground now. It has yellow green needles. How do I bring it back? I am going to give it Miracle gro evergreen today.
What else should I be doing?

Answer from NGA
May 27, 1999
You might want to redesign the way your tree is staked. Instead of a single stake, try using three stakes placed equal distances around the trunk. Then wrap the tie around one stake, bring it around the trunk and secure it to the same stake. Do this with all three stakes so the trunk will be held firmly no matter which way the wind blows. Be sure to use soft, pliable material for the tie, or protect the trunk with a padding of some sort to keep it from being chafed as it moves. Your tree should green up once it gets its roots permanently established in the ground. Don't stress your tree by overwatering. The rootmass should be soaked only once each week. If you continue to water every day you'll encourage the roots to stay near the surface of the soil instead of exploring down and out. Constant watering will eliminate air pockets in the soil, which might drown your tree! With the above care your tree should recover from its difficult start in the landscape.

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