Yellowing Willow Leaves - Knowledgebase Question

Chesapeake, VA
Avatar for tjlhna
Question by tjlhna
June 8, 1999
I have a relatively mature (five year old) weeping willow tree which just recently is showing yellowing leaves and some are beginning to fall to the ground. The yellowing appears to be in different areas throughout the tree.

Answer from NGA
June 8, 1999
Willows are susceptible to a number of foliar problems, so to be on the safe side you might want to take a very close look at the leaves both top and bottom, both fallen and on the tree, and see if there appears to be anything amiss. If so, you might wish to take a sample to your County Extension for a definite identification and suggested controls, if any. In addition, however, it is also possible that the tree is suffering from the very dry weather. If you think that is the case, perhaps you can try to give it a good deep watering.

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