What to do with Peruvian Daffodil Bulbs after Bloom - Knowledgebase Question

Columbus, NC
Avatar for jovel
Question by jovel
June 20, 1999
After the peruvian daffodil bulbs bloom, what is the proper way to store them for next season? Do I leave them in the pots or do I take them out, let them die back, or what? If I let them die back, what are the proper storage conditions?

Answer from NGA
June 20, 1999
Let the foliage brown and die back while the bulb stores energy for the next year. If you have them in containers, you can bring the containers indoors for the winter. (They are hardy in the ground in zones 8 to 10.) If you decide to lift them out of the containers, store them in dry peat moss, perlite or similar material at 60 - 70 degrees. This information was taken from "Flowering Bulbs for Dummies" by Judy Glattstein. I hope it helps!

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