Trellis for Rose and Clematis - Knowledgebase Question

Belmont, NY
Avatar for ahealy5
Question by ahealy5
July 1, 1999
I was wondering if you had any unique ideas about trellises for tall plants. I am interested in some for my climbing roses and clematis.

Answer from NGA
July 1, 1999
Pruning should also be accomplished according to the prescribed guidelines for the plants in question -- the techniques depend on the type of rose and type of clematis you are growing. Be sure the varieties you grow together are compatible in this respect, also.

Both roses and clematis can be successfully grown up into trees and larger shrubs, can be allowed to scramble on the ground, and can be trained onto nearly any structure, from a picket fence to the side of a barn (Hang a sturdy mesh, such as a cattle panel painted the color as the building, and it will "disappear") to a child's swing set to an old tree stump.

For more about growing roses with clematis, see the article "Roses and Clematis."

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