Tomato on Potato Plant - Knowledgebase Question

Lyndeborough, NH
Avatar for gtuttle
Question by gtuttle
July 18, 1999
We bought some seed potatoes from you (Daisy Gold, a new product I believe) They seem to be doing well but a strange thing is happening, there are small tomatoes growing on a couple of the plants. We want to know if this is common, or if this is something new to you.
p.s. Will the tomatoes be edible?

Answer from NGA
July 18, 1999
Tomato and potato plants are both members of the nightshade family so their leaves and their blossoms appear similar. But, the potato plant produces fruit in the form of tubers underground and the tomato plant produces fruit on the top of the plant. The round, green tomato-looking things on the tops of your potato plants are seed pods. They will grow to about one-inch in diameter but they will never turn red and they are not edible. The blossoms on potato plants simply indicate that tubers are beginning to grow underground. Leave the seedpods alone and harvest your potatoes after the foliage dies down.

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