Harvesting Blackeye Peas - Knowledgebase Question

Austin, TX
Avatar for pmonear
Question by pmonear
July 23, 1999
I am growing blackeye peas for the first time and would like some advice about when to harvest them. Should the pods be green or yellow? What should I look for to know it's time to pick them?

Answer from NGA
July 23, 1999
Blackeye peas are ready to pick when the pods turn from green to a yellowish green, and the seeds are plump. The pods also get a bit softer as they ripen so you can better feel the plump seeds inside. If you wait too long they will start to dry out.

Try picking a pod or two as they look ready and then shell out the peas. This will give you a feel for what they look like when they are ready to be picked.

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