Birdhouse Gourds - Knowledgebase Question

Knox, IN
Avatar for jjgeno
Question by jjgeno
July 25, 1999
Birdhouse gourds produce blossoms and 1/2" gourds that then turn black and die, please help.

Answer from NGA
July 25, 1999
The problem could be weather related, lack of pollination, or due to disease. Very hot weather will render pollen sterile. If blossoms are not completely pollinated by insects, the fruit will abort. Make sure there's lots of insect activity in your yard by reducing the use of pesticides. You can try transferring pollen from blossom to blossom by dabbing the inside of each with a soft camel's hair brush. Finally, if blossom-end rot is the cause, you might try to keep the soil evenly moist. Wide fluctuations of ample moisture and droughty conditions will affect the fruit. Hope the above helps you zero in on the problem!

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