Leaf Spots On Ash Trees - Knowledgebase Question

Papillion, NE
Avatar for bmagner
Question by bmagner
July 25, 1999
My son has a green ash tree on the west side of his yard. Every year the leaves appear smaller (puny) and spots appear on the leaves. This is the story for many of the ash trees in his neighborhood. Many of these trees have died. Any suggestions?

I have spent time looking over your question bank but my key words seem to turn up from 2000 to 4000 entries. I did find an answer regarding my Nebraska vincas (bedding plants) which are dying. Using the internet beats asking the County Extension folks. Thank you for making all this information available.

Answer from NGA
July 25, 1999
Ash trees can develop fungal leaf spots, especially in wet, rainy spring weather. The fungus that causes this problem can remain on the bark, twigs and stems and reinfect the tree in subsequent years. The best way to control the problem is to rake and destroy fallen leaves at the end of the season. If the disease was severe the previous year, a fungicide can be sprayed twice at 10 day intervals beginning when the buds start to open in the spring.

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