Brown Dots on Iris Leaves - Knowledgebase Question

Kalispell, MT
Avatar for elhill
Question by elhill
August 1, 1999
My iris plants have brown dots, about the size of the tip of a pencil eraser, on the leaves and eventually the leaves turn brown and wither. What is is cause and what should be used to treat or prevent this problem?

Answer from NGA
August 1, 1999
Iris are subject to fungal infections and it sounds like this is one of them. The best strategy is to clean up and remove and destroy any infested iris trash as it happens and again in the fall to reduce the chances of reinfection next year. Also avoid excessive fertilization and/or overwatering as this will encourage disease problems. You might also wish to contact your County Extension (756-5553) for their most up to date recommendations on an appropriate fungicide and its best application schedule for your area.

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