Rasberry Culture - Knowledgebase Question

Flint, MI
Avatar for obrie12
Question by obrie12
August 3, 1999
My Red Rasberries have the top 8 to 10 inches dry up and appear to have little dots around the stem where it died off. The rest of the plant looks great.

What causes this? What is the cure?

Answer from NGA
August 3, 1999
There are two types of red raspberries; summer-bearing and fall-bearing (also called ever-bearing) which bear twice on each cane - in the autumn of the first year and then the summer of the second year. After harvesting the fall crop, the fruiting part of the cane should be cut back, leaving the remainder of the cane so it can produce a crop the following season. Summer bearing plants will produce canes in the spring and these will bear the following summer, after which the canes are cut down. I suspect you're growing ever-bearing raspberries and the fall crop was produceds on the top of the cane. Instead of pruning it off, you left it on and it died back. Cut the dead portion away and wait until after you've harvested the second crop to cut the entire cane down. Hope this helps clear the confusion!

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