Mountain Pink - Knowledgebase Question

Apalachin, NY
Avatar for val58
Question by val58
August 18, 1999
15 years ago my mother bought several one year old plants in a catalog called "mountain pink" or "mountain pinks". She bought it as a one year old plant. This plant is a perennial and is a good groundcover plant. It blooms in the spring with white, purplish, reddish, or pink flowers. It doubles in size covering the ground each year. I know that several plants go by the name mountain pink and so far I have not found any that match this description. Can you tell me the official name of this plant, so that I can find it? I would also like to know if you sell this plant either as seed or as one year old plants.

Answer from NGA
August 18, 1999
You're probably looking for Centaurium (sometimes called Erythraea). This is a very low-growing plant (up to 8" tall), with clusters of red or pink blooms. The plant is suitable for rock gardens or as groundcover, and it self-sows readily. Seeds are available from Cyberseeds, PO Box 171102, San Antonio, TX 78217-1102.

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