Propagation of Poinsettias - Knowledgebase Question

Warminster, PA
Avatar for RxRad1
Question by RxRad1
August 21, 1999
Can you describe a method for propagating a poinsettia? Does placing the stem of a leaf through saran wrap covering a water filled pan sound right?

Answer from NGA
August 21, 1999
Poinsettia is usually propagated by cuttings taken in mid spring when the plants are normally trimmed back for repotting, but you could try with a cutting taken any time. Use four to six inch tip cuttings and set them into barely moist/damp sand. Cover the pot with a clear plastic bag to maintain humidity and set it in a very bright location out of direct light. Move to individual pots when rooted; allow to acclimate to being in the pot and then move to bright direct sun; keep them evenly moist but not soggy. Good luck with your poinsettias!

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