Gourd Vines Dying - Knowledgebase Question

Staten Island, NY
Avatar for gailcats
Question by gailcats
August 27, 1999
I had planted some loofa sponge seeds, bottleneck gourd seeds, and ornamental gourd seeds ( both the last two were leftover) all in a row along a fence. They all seemed to be doing well except now all of the vines are dying. There is still growth at the top of the vines, but the bottom of the vines are all dry and brittle. There is no sign of bugs. However some of the leaves do appear to have some white spots on it. I also got very little fruit. Only two ornamental gourds, one bottleneck gourd (tiny in size) and one loofa gourd. What is going on?

Answer from NGA
August 27, 1999
Gourds are subject to a number of disease problems that could cause wilting and spots. Based on your description I can't make a diagnosis, but here are two sites which you may find helpful:



Many gourds need a long warm growing season to produce large mature gourds so they need to be fed and watered to encourage them into vigorous growth as soon and for as long as possible. The low production might be accounted for by poor pollination -- caused either by a lack of insects or by the vagaries of the weather.

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