I bought some perennials this fall on sale but didn't have my new bed ready so I just planted them in my garden until spring. By then I should have the new bed ready but is it ok to move them more than twice in one year? Or should I get out there and start digging and moving them now?! |
It sounds like you have a good plan. For the most part perennials do not mind being moved provided it is done carefully. The longer you wait to plant them in the fall the riskier it is, and a newly prepared bed should ideally be allowed to settle a bit before it is planted. If you move the plants in early spring and replant at the same depth they grew before most of them will not notice the change. Water them in well and keep an eye on the water until they are re-established. All of which does not preclude preparing the new bed now so it is ready for the plants just as soon as the ground can be worked next spring -- fall is a good time to do soil preparation! |