I just bought some tiny little things - they could hardly be called bulbs - but on them they say windflowers, and underneath that it says anemone St. Brigid and anemone De Caen. Can I plant them now or do I have to wait until spring to plant them? |
Windflower, or pasque flower are both common names for anemone. Your named varieties are the poppy-flowered anemones, with finely divided leaves and flowers 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 inches across. De Caen produces single flowers and St. Brigid produces semi-double to double flowers. Plant now, 1"-2" deep in rich, light, well-draining soil, then mulch with peat or leaf mold. (Excess soil moisture will rot the bulbs.) Carefully inspect the bulbs (tubers) to find the scar from last year's stem and plant that side up. Windflowers will grow best in partial afternoon shade. |