Planting Bulbs - Knowledgebase Question

Seattle, WA
Avatar for thegills
Question by thegills
September 30, 1999
Summer came late this year and we are having an indian summer. When should I plant my bulbs? It's been cold in the morning but it warms to the mid-60's to 70's during the day. Also, how late in the year can I wait to plant my bulbs? My husband says I can plant them anytime during the fall or early winter. Is this true?

Answer from NGA
September 30, 1999
As a general rule, bulbs should be planted in your area as soon as they are available at garden centers. Plant them now so they will have an opportunity to settle in, develop roots and be ready to sprout in the spring. Be sure to prepare the bed by digging in some organic matter to a depth of 6-8 inches. You can add a little bonemeal or bulb booster to the bottom of the hole, then plant the bulb bottom side down, fill around it with soil and water in well. Planted now, your bulbs will perform right on schedule. If you hold them over, they can become dried out or overheated and may not thrive once they're planted.

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