We just planted a butterfly bush two weeks ago. Our weather has been cool and we've been getting more rain. The other day I used Miracle Grow through your 4 in 1 sprayer and the bush looked great. But now it is all wilted again and the ground is still moist. It is located where it gets a good deal of sun for most of the day. What should I do? |
In my experience the butterfly bushes tend to begin to look droopy about now when the nights begin to cool off. It may be that your bush is simply doing the fall seasonal thing. However, since it is newly planted you might want to check to be sure that the soil right around the root ball is moist; even though it has been raining in some cases the potting soil will dry out before the surrounding earth does. The goal is to keep the soil moist but not soggy sopping wet up until the ground freezes. A few inches of mulch around the root zone will help your plant winter over better, too. |