I have Porcelain Berry(Ampelopsis brevipedunculata) growing in & around my Rasberries. How can I eliminate it without killing my Raspberries? What is the best time of the year to do this? I have tried pruning it back & pulling as much of the roots as I can in both spring & fall but to no avail. Is there a herbicide for home use that I could apply to the cut stems, which would not kill the Raspberries? |
There are several methods of eradicating a plant such as this. One is what you've already tried, repeatedly and frequently cutting it off or pulling it in an effort to exhaust the roots, another is cutting it off and then effectively smothering it under a thick layer of newpaper or cardboard topped with a heavy layer of mulch, and finally there is application of an herbicide such as glyphosate (the active ingredient in RoundUp for example) according to the label instructions. Be sure to use the concentration suggested for brush and avoid spraying or contacting the desirable plants. In some cases you can use a "shield" of some sort (an old tray or piece of cardboard can work) or use a wipe-on or paint-on method of application to minimize the risk. |