2 Yr Po Bloom,should I Cut Back For Winter? - Knowledgebase Question

Name: Frances Stayton
Lumberton, NC
Avatar for franifanni
Question by franifanni
October 29, 1999
My peony is two yrs and never bloomed. It is in acidic soil n/w side of house so it recieves afternoon sun and morning shade.

Answer from NGA
October 29, 1999
In late fall after frost has killed back the tops, gently remove the stems and clean away any fallen peony leaves. This will help prevent any carryonver of pest or disease from year to year. Peonies often take a year or two to settle in and reestablish themselves after planting, so it is not unusual to miss a year or two of blooms. This is especially true if the plants were very small to begin with. Peonies also prefer sun all day and a soil that is closer to neutral rather than extremely acid so they may be growing a bit slowly as a result of their placement. However, a frequent cause of peonies not blooming is that they are planted too deep. I would begin to suspect this as the cause if they do not bloom in the next two years.

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