Norfolk Island Pine - Knowledgebase Question

Clovis, CA
Avatar for nealtf
Question by nealtf
December 5, 1999
I just bought a Norfolk Island pine (araucaria heteropnhylla) and it does not have instructions on how to care for it. I can't find it on a web site. Please help and tell me how to best care for this Christmas tree.

Answer from NGA
December 5, 1999
I may be reading between the lines, but it sounds as though you've purchased a Norfolk Island pine and you plan to keep it indoors, and use it as a Christmas tree. Norfolk Island pines are often grown as houseplants, but in your gardening region they can also be planted outdoors.

Indoors, provide bright light and average to cool household temperatures. Water regularly from spring through autumn, but sparingly during the winter months. Mist leaves occasionally - this is especially important during the winter months when indoor air can dry out quickly. Norfolk Island pines are slow-growing and relatively easy to care for.

If you plan to plant the tree outdoors, wait until the weather warms in the spring before taking it out. Otherwise it will be overly stressed in trying to make the transition from your nice warm house to the cold outdoor temperatures.

Outdoors, provide full sunshine and regular water during the months of active growth. You can keep your tree in a container, or plant it directly in the ground in average, well-draining soil.

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